They are just flying by...I realized I didn't do one of the things on my list.
Teach Shekinah to jump rope!
It is a challenge because her "little" hand does not grip the handle well enough. Here we tied it to her wrist, it isn't optimal. She managed to jump 3 times in a row with two people turning the rope for her.
We need to fashion a velcro harness to attache it to her wrist but somehow the timing is never right.
We have peaches to freeze
Peaches to cook and to can. (Actually these are peach peels) I made a "Peach Pie" from them and was met with mixed reviews (In my defense it is a recipe...look it up). The "adults" in the family thought it was good. At the price of peaches $16 a basket, you don't want to waste them.
Then the 8 baskets of apples that are looking at me in the garage need to be sauced.
I need to brag a bit on my hubby. I had started peeling some peaches for canning, knowing that I would have to stop to take Joe to the bank to open a different savings account.
Dad was home early, but I knew he had things he wanted to do so I figured the peaches would just sit till I got home. Of course the banker lady's printer didn't cooperate and the whole business took longer than planned. I walked in the door to my kitchen to see jars of peaches peeled and ready for the canner! He and the girls (Faith and Shekinah- Hope was at work) had kept peeling and chopping those difficult Baby Gold peaches and all I needed to do was the canning!
After lunch, the girls came running in...
"Daddy is building a "Slip and Slide"!
They spent the whole afternoon sliding and making
Soap Soup.
Here daddy was pulling them down the slope until he went on to his other jobs.
In other news, we finished the twelve hours of professional driver training at Hershey Medical Center. It was a great experience for Joe. The teacher was excellent, Joe took instructions well from him and didn't react to correction. It took a chunk out of our month, but we found a new library (an hour's drive away) and Shekinah got to see Hershey Chocolate World on Thursday.