Ha! got your attention didn't I? I actually know very little about that topic, but I'll tell you what I don't know.
I have a friend with whom I solve the problems of the world. Of course, the world doesn't ask us or when they do, they ask the wrong questions.
The other day she asked me how in world you teach your child to be neat, when do you just shut their bedroom door and walk away.
I had to laugh.....she asked me! of all people!!
I told her I have no idea. Most of my children are much neater than I.
Hope is super-organized...she makes lists and rarely forgets things.
Zeke's desk is very neat rarely has papers scattered .
(Some of them are almost as "neat" as I am, but that is another post.)
And I had nothing to do with it...well maybe they wanted to be the opposite of me.
Though none of my children make their beds in the morning...well maybe Hope...I don't normally check.
I told my friend this...I also asked her why on earth she's asking me, she's seen my sewing room.
But she said, "you make quilts like that. It would drive me nuts."
I was showing her the picture on my phone..she looked at all my notifications across the top of my screen..."and why do you have all those notifications?"
Don't know how we are friends, we should drive each other up a wall. Well, I guess then we'd both be up there together!
One day we will figure out how to pass on our values. I thought we were doing pretty good with that until just lately. Or maybe our values are too narrow? It's really hard to know how hard to push and when certain attitudes are affecting the rest of us.
Yesterday after about seven years, Hubby and I regained our master bedroom. We had moved out just before Joe came home so that we could have adequate room for four boys in one room. We are down to two boys in this house so we moved them back to the yellow room with airplanes stenciled on the ceiling....there is also some wall art put there by a certain four-year-old that endeared himself to me by saying he was drawing a map to China. The "map" is still there. I told the boys I will buy the paint if they want to re-paint the room. We'll need to see if it is worth the effort.
My muscles are sore today...you know how it is when you start moving furniture...well anyway how it is at OUR house. We met the great-great grandchildren of dust bunnies and found long lost pieces of homework. Finally both rooms were neat and orderly! I took a picture so I could remember it.
Next job is the girls' room. Three girls in a room and one of them a "bag lady" makes for some piles.
Shekinah QOTD: The other day I pulled my ever-present tissue from my pocket and wiped something off Shekinah's face. "Mama," she said, do you get a clean tissue every day or is that still the same one?"