The other Sunday evening a storm (EF-1 rating I'm told) hopped through our area. PA doesn't normally have tornadoes but this spring we started taking "tornado watches" a bit more seriously. I think we've had more tornado type damage (locally) in May than I ever remember.
These were some of our "giants" in our woods.
The Make-A-Wish Mother's Day parade was rained out, but thankfully our local newspaper set up a live stream. Shekinah figured out when our ambulance and when Specialty Rigging's truck went through and she replayed those sections over and over. --better than the real thing I guess.
When it's too rainy to roast marshmallows, you just put them in the microwave.
So Hope designed --with my help-- a purse/backpack made from leather.
I have another one cut, but things like VBS and Father's Day wallets came first.
There have been some "green tinged" questions like "why does Hope get to have all the new stuff?
Yeah anyway?
You should always take time for baby holding. I love that part of being a grandma...
Well actually the little boys that yell "grandma!" and come up and give me a hug are pretty special too!
QOTD: " Don't you dare put that in your quote-of-the-day!"