Monday, April 11, 2011

" I Go Back to Orphanage."

I heard you say this I think you were bracing yourself
I'm not sure.
I'm sorry you think I'm picking on you...
but some days the bread IS too soft....
Some days you need to get a spoon to get the applesauce from the bottom
of the container.
Splashing it on the table in frustration and saying "I can't" is just
not appropriate.
I would not be doing my job if I did not correct that.
No I don't have to tell the big boys that stuff...they learned it a long
time ago.
I know "Orphanage not teach me (you)"
But I'm just a mama, I forget....
One day you blow me away....Fourth Grade spelling words! but then the
Sorry you don't like any cereal, you ate this kind last week.
It is hard to remember to ask...."Mama, will you make me hot
cereal....Mama, will you help me? Mama can you show me?"
And tone of voice...oh my, tone of voice....I am only men
folk do not order me around!
I am so glad that by the time I dropped you off at school....
I got my kiss and " I guess I don't go to orphanage"
Maybe you do know that some kids come back....( I didn't think that is true)
"But not my boy....not my boy"
You heard me,'re stuck with this mama.
The relieved smile on your face looked so good....where is a camera when
I need one?
I will etch it on my brain to pull out for the next time....and the next


  1. Mike and I are reading this and laughing and crying. Joseph got a good mama when he got you.

  2. that is a fantastic photo!! (now turn off the date thingy on your camera LOL)
    You have a live wire there and a sweet boy :)

  3. Oh and being stuck with you is a good thing!!!!! He is such a sweet boy just learning how to live in a family. You are doing such a great job with him. I was so impressed!!! All your children are wonderful!!!

  4. Oh my goodness the feelings that reel around in their little heads and hearts....the healing that must happen. Lump in my throat as I think of all the times we've had those conversations with our boys.

    Just recently I spoke of their foster home and a look of panic came across an innocent face. Even nearly 2 yrs out they still fight those feelings. God bless their little hearts!
