Sunday, November 6, 2011

Five Months

It has taken 5 months to get from this.....

To this.

We started therapy last week, developed a blister on the "new skin" so
we can't do scar massage on that area. Nevertheless, we have a huge area
to work on anyway. I wish I could say we are seeing fast results....I
just read that it will take as many months to "release" a scar with
massage as it took to form the scar. We will be at this a loooong time.
Some of those scars are almost 10 years old!
Plus regaining wrist movement and strength takes determination that  some 11 y.o. boys don't always have....then mama has to have the determination....
You can see the "ulnar deviation" that he still has because of the tight tendons that are inside even after 4 months of stretching in the fixator.

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