It's amazing and embarrassing how many we accumulate during a year.
Actually it's free Tupperware (see how many hits my blog gets because of that phrase). These lovely buckets can be used for
cookies at Christmas,
pork bar b que for the freezer,
storing leftovers from the fellowship meal,
the granola cereal,
for the sink garbage,
perfect size for little people to take to the garden "for a few tomatoes",
in a pinch they make a sand bucket,
cookies at Christmas,(yeah I know that's the second time)
carry chicken feed,
and for my Mennonite readers, you can wash your coverings in here too...sort of a story behind this
one time I threw away an old covering and my hubby saw it in the trash and he put a bit of laundry detergent in a bucket added the covering and some warm water, popped the lid in place and shook mightily for a few seconds....(now you need to hold the lid on firmly because it tends to pop off) the result was a very clean covering. So ever since I've been using that method.
The great thing about these buckets is that you can toss them after they develop cracks and not be smitten with guilt for wasting money.
But the thing to remember is that you need to toss a lid at the same time, other wise...
you end up with 12 buckets and 30 lids. Don't ask me how I know.
I won't ask you how many

I toss them,
but I tend to keep these....they get filled with applesauce for the freezer

Sorry for such a "fluffy" post.