Sunday, October 5, 2014

That Swing!

 As you can see there was great pleasure in this house on Thursday and ever since... Thursday we were able to stay at home and I was working on the computer for most of the day, Shekinah was in the swing most of the day. Every now and again she would stagger off "I'm dizzy, I need to go to the bathroom"  Then she was back on it. I did manage to get her to eat lunch and take a nap.  The  "fun" started when her siblings came home from school!
 We had screaming (ahem firm words)and frustration (me) ...screaming and tears  (her). Well, actually we had to put the timer on for 12 minutes for Shekinah and then 12 minutes for Faith. My evening was split up into 12 minute increments. Every 24 minutes I had to come and dump an unwilling child out of the swing. Faith knew how to manage her time, she read a book until it was her turn, but little missy just stood and complained until it was her turn to swing again.

Surely Friday would be better!

Friday we went to grandma's house and Shekinah got very little swinging time before the troops came home from school PLUS she had no nap!
After having my ears pierced...well actually my eardrums, I put in pieces of a tissue so that I can hear my grandchildren speak to me one day. I sat and rocked her until the phone my head screwed back on straight (thanks K).

Finally, I told her that she will have NO MORE turns until after supper, four hours away, and she can stand on the porch to scream until she can be nice.   The sorta funny thing is that when she screams the turkeys gobble at her and it sounds like they are laughing.
Dear neighbors: I was not hurting my child, she was just angry.

Finally she accepted a spoonful of peanut butter, a drink and her consequence.

She did keep checking periodically if it was "after supper yet".

Saturday went much better, tho I had to take down the swing until the cleaning was finished because too many people got distracted.
                   Saturday looked more like this......

1 comment:

  1. She is just ADORABLE!!! Seriously getting cuter with age, not sure how that can happen as she has been a cutie since day one!!!
