Wednesday, May 27, 2015

"Warm" Weather

My Summer Kitchen :)
It seems we can't quite find a happy medium, we either need jackets or are sweltering in 
PA's wonderful humidity. I'm one of those people that does not feel good in air conditioning and since DH works in the heat everyday, he doesn't really mind.
So when the one AC unit bit the dust last summer, we chose not to replace it and we replaced it with


and this

and this. My DH was very tired of ceiling fans. Some are very easy to install and some...not so much
and it didn't make a difference if it was a discount fan or the most expensive one.

1 comment:

  1. I am with you on the AC thing. Not that I don't feel well when it is on, I feel claustrophobic. Your hubby should be an expert at installing fans by now, would he by any chance wish to come install some for us?
