It was the month we got back into the school routine "for real".
Shekinah also has been honing her hair-styling skills. Her My Generation dolls both have long hair. Then she decided to do my hair, I normally do not check the mirror afterward, but when she takes my phone and then laughs uproariously at the pictures she takes--I wonder.
I am also hearing that the "tough" summer routine I had her do---math and typing classes--paid off . yaay!
They do keep my on my toes, one of them came out of the bathroom very concerned and said "Mom the toilet is smoking." I few hundred possibilities went through my mind as I checked up on the toilet.
Silly girl!
This dog watches me very closely, she has learned that when I bake bread, I brush egg on the loaves before I bake them. I used to dither about what to do with the little bit of left-overs. Put 'em in the fridge and they get lost, throw it out--wasteful! So I started microwaving the left over and eating it--until the dog started following me around with a woeful look in her eyes. She needs the calories, I don't.
In early September we celebrated our 34th wedding anniversary and hubby and I went away for two days. It does get easier to do that after the kiddoes grow up a bit. We found inexpensive lodging in Wilkes-Barre, PA. The internet informed us of a nice hiking area called Seven Tubs Nature Area.
It was a bit chilly and we had the place to ourselves for a good part of the morning.
No, we do not do selfies very well.
He even brought me flowers!
On Labor Day weekend we attended a local craft show with our leather items.
It was held in the concourse of a baseball stadium- we were back lit so the photos didn't get great.
I'm looking forward to the next three which will be inside.
I'm busy punching holes and stitching, Faith is concentrating on school right now so it's just me.
Yes, this pattern gets punched one hole at a time! I know there are 6-hole punches, but only the super-expensive ones get good reviews.
I just had to try a back pack...and now I really want to make a couple more...Let's see October 31 (the next show) is 3 weeks away. There are other things I should be doing too, like cleaning out some corners. I did manage to clean the windows where we took out the air conditioners on Saturday. It is so satisfying to clean a window that actually needs cleaning!
I also have Adoption News ( 4 times a year newsletter) to get put together, but some of the topics I need to discuss are so dark and heavy. Wayward and wandering children, school issues (not ours) and other deep topics make me want to hide out with my leather and make beauty and function.
Not all the topics are heavy, but "hurt people- hurt people".
( I slept better after a certain someone finally answered his phone after ignoring texts for days)

I was privileged to help serve food at 3 events in the past three weekends. I didn't go out looking for that side job, but a lady from church does cooking at events and she asked for help last year at an event.
I like to see good food get consumed, but it is almost ridiculous how fast hours of work gets consumed in about 15 minutes....well not that fast, but almost!
I must say the huge group of ladies probably was the most appreciative of the work the food entailed.
Open air weddings and flexibility were the norm for this year.
I think I'm very glad I am not in charge of any wedding this year.
I am very glad that I have a God that is in charge of this year and His plans for the next years/days are much better than any plans I have.
Sometimes I take a huge shaky breath when I say that though.
Parker was very pleased with the praying mantis that grandpa brought home on his shoulder.
Hudson wasn't so sure he wanted to get too close.
No, Parker did not grow long hair, Shekinah posed just perfectly.
One Saturday morning at 3AM we got a call from our electric company telling us we were out of electricity and it would be back on at about 9AM. Thanks guys.
We got ready for our women's event, by flashlight and gas lamp light.
Boiled water for tea on the gas ring on the porch.
We went out on the street later to see this contraption...the wire runs from one transformer to the next.
I guess our street is fairly safe from saboteurs.

Then more critter control. A hive of yellow jackets took up residence behind the siding. We've swept up hundreds and they still keep flying. The dog alerted us to how large the problem was when she started being very interested in the wall on the inside of the house. I first thought she smelled a mouse, but she actually acted afraid of the wall...glad we figured out it was bees, I thought the dog had a problem.
It is interesting watching bees, I saw them taking stuff into the hive...well down my sweeper hose...but I wondered what it was- it was too big for pollen. I was informed that it was probably a spider for the purpose of feeding newly hatched bees. Said spider is kept alive but anesthetized so it is good food for baby bees. The world in an interesting place.