Shall Run And Not Be Weary
Trying to "Mount up with wings as eagles"
Tuesday, August 23, 2022
Photo Dump- August
Sunday, March 20, 2022
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Sunday, March 6, 2022
More Students
This past week I taught 10 students the art of leather stitching. I forgot to ask permission to post their faces. I was impressed with their skill.
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Co-op Leather class
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
My Body My Choice?
Hmm I guess that depends. So I've been a volunteer EMT for over 30 years, I've seen a lot of things come and go. I was taught how to use MAST trousers- yeah I'm that old.
So when I first started volunteering, the HIV crisis was in full swing, HIPPA was just a mis-spelling of hippo and the old timers pooh-poohed at wearing gloves. "Ya can't do anything with these on your hands."
The one thing I soon learned in healthcare was that people get to make their own least if you are a patient. "My body, my choice"
You want an abortion?
You want to be a girl/boy?
You want piercings and tattoos?
You want to cuss me out for being a .....?
You can go right ahead.
The politicians and healthcare systems were fully supportive. If you are over the age of 18 you get to make decisions and the rest of the world has to live with it! And I had to treat them with respect.
HIPPA was passed in 1996 to ensure that I don't talk about your decisions to anyone. When HIPPA went into affect foster parents were told that they were not allowed to know if a child was potentially HIV positive. This was in the days when we didn't know what was causing it or for sure how it was transmitted.
But now, suddenly whole systems are mandating that your medical history is available to your employer and if you don't receive the COVID vaccine by a certain date, you will need to have the COVID test every two weeks...or lose your job.(Currently the case in our area of Pennsylvania.)
"Big deal," you say," they will hire more help and all will go on as before."
It does matter
Hiring many replacement nurses, paramedics, EMTs destabilizes a system. Yes, new hires are great --in small doses. You can absorb the mis-steps and hesitations that come with working with a new partner. But, from experience, I don't want that hesitation to happen when it's my patient OR when it's my loved one.
Last year this time these same unvaccinated nurses, paramedics and EMTs were HEROS!
We had bill boards along the roads praising us. This year they are expendable. Something isn't right in the world....well I know there are a lot of things not right, but this one is bugging me this morning.
BTW, I have my vaccine, - it was my choice. Let's allow others to have a choice and not de-stabilize our healthcare system any further.
Monday, July 12, 2021
Treasure Hunting

Friday, October 16, 2020
Emptiness and Fullness
‘Tis the season” “this too shall pass”
It’s a season of empty and full
Empty gardens, full larders
It’s a season of emptiness inside of me too.
A waiting on test results for my dad. You sure can’t hurry the medical system.
A phone call this morning, “mom, I’m not sure what to say.”
And I also don’t know what to say—the things we warned of are now happening and we are told we should not “enable”—so we commiserate but that’s it.
I look inside and have no answers, I need to leave it all with One who has all the answers.
My heart is full…
Two anniversary celebrations, one from our oldest who was married nine years ago, the other celebration is for an eight year anniversary. Nine years ago we were blessed to add our first daughter-in-law. Eight years ago today I met a feisty little two-year-old in a far away municipal building. A little girl whose picture we held for almost a year before we met. Though I had loved her for a long time (you can love a picture, you know) I was still a scary stranger to her.
My heart is full…
I have a husband who loves me and loves our children.
I have children and grandchildren to love on.
I have work that I love- a hobby that can actually support itself.
But all that cannot fill that other empty feeling…that takes Someone much bigger.
So I turn to the mundane tasks, refill the kombucha jar with strong sweet tea, bake bread and rolls for lunches, empty the dishwasher, and pray. I am thankful that my hands can do those tasks without my brain actually engaging…tho the dishes might have ended up in the wrong cupboards.
A year ago, I could not have imagined all that we would see and do in that coming year. We stayed at home except for my “essential” workers. And it was a blessing, we pulled closer as a family sitting in the living room having a more relaxed church. It was a time of learning to do family.
As I sit now and
look forward to the next year, I can’t help but worry pray that we can
find joy in the next year as we did in this past year. Joy in the little things. I pray that I can
hold on for the duration.
Sunday, October 11, 2020
September Recap
I'm looking forward to the next three which will be inside.