So the other weekend we decided to save a little money and instead of renting a cabin we
invited our family to camp in the front yard.
But since grandma's front yard isn't quite as much fun as a campground or someone else's cabin,
we did some thinking about
Grandpa came up with the idea of a treasure hunt.
We ordered a bag of 200 foreign coins off Etsy.
They came just in time.
We also stopped by the bank and got some half dollars
and some dollar coins (The Eisenhower ones, not the little ones)
In all he buried 240 coins in the yard- before you
come digging up my yard, most of them are not worth anything.

Our version of the ice bucket challenge-
Can you actually grab a coin out of the ice cream- maker bucket?
It took quite a few tries- salt water is colder than they thought.
This new 4- square volley ball set up is fun for all sizes- You can adjust the poles
for different heights.
It think we will use it quite a bit, as long as we don't trip over the ropes too often.
The tight rope wasn't used as much as I thought it would be.
Then this happened! Ahhh! How did we get here already?
QOTD :As we were driving along one day, "Mom what does the 'plus' sign mean?"
I thought she'd studied the driver's manual! It doesn't mean "increase"!
sits in front of us. His t-shirt had some writing and I glanced at it and groaned inwardly.
My youngest was of course reading it too.
I leaned over and said "don't read it out loud."
"What does it mean mom?"
" I'll tell you later."
Later: "Mom what did that guy's shirt mean?"
"Umm, it's a really rude way to talk to people, we don't use that word."
"Mom, don't you know what it means either?"
Hmm, how to explain the f-word....
I'd rather talk about tie-dyed shirts.
Those kits from Wal-mart ain't all bad.
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