Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Guess What!!!

On Monday evening, about 5pm I got a phone call that almost made me forget to finish making supper!
The caller ID said   ________Adoption

And it was the call!

This is our third adoption and I always worry that they will tell us at the last minute...."Ummm, you guys can't be parents again."
A psychologist would probably have fun with that, but this time I know a bit more about the process and I know DH's doctor put EVERY detail of his life from 1985 to present....the laceration from a chisel in his hand, the benign lump in his throat...If I had been along I would have advised him to stick to the important stuff, but I left him go off to a Dr appt. by himself!!!

But they looked at that valuable stack of papers and said all the i's were dotted and all the t's crossed and  Middle Brother #2 will be coming home hopefully in August or Sept. Six kids who'd a thought it! (bad English I know)

The agency also said they have some answers to the questions I asked a few months ago, they need to translate them and there are some PICTURES and he supposedly is wearing SHOES! Not sure how they managed that or what kind of shoes they put on  him, but I can't wait to see the pictures. Plus the pictures we have been looking at are a year old.

So once again I need patience....I hope God  is not training me for something...at least something not too painful....I'm a wimp about pain.... but He knows that.

Now I have a three month time frame....get the W*aver Book finished and to the press

                    Hand off the ambulance treasurer's job

                                    Shop for clothes :^) and shoes

                    Make a quilt for the new beds

                                      Buy mattresses for the new bunk beds

                    Make as many quilts as possible for the quilt shop

                                      Sell bags.

                     Clean house ????? naah!
We renewed 3 passports tonite, the others should be OK.

Get busy instead of writing blog posts  :^)


  1. yee haw! it is really happening :) i have lots of jeans here for you to make bags with--we could get together next week

  2. Congratulations!!!! Doing cartwheels for you!!! Now if I could do enough to raise some money for you I sure would!!!

    Remember His eyes!!!

  3. That's super news!! Rejoicing with you!!

  4. Wonderful!!! I know that feeling of them deciding...nah, you'd better not be a parent :) I feel like that all the time haha So excited that you son will be home soon!!!

  5. YAY. Clean is relative. In many ways, your house is already clean.

  6. how many days was it from LID?
