Monday, March 28, 2011

Five Years Ago!

 Five years ago we traveled to a far away place and they placed in my arms and tiny mite.  She cried and cried until daddy figured out that she does not like to be held facing this strange smelling new lady.


 She did settle down, but did not eat until the next day, almost 12 hrs later...we took her to the hotel Dr and he discovered double ear infection and an ulcer on her took awhile till she started to eat decently.

 At her previous home she was more than happy to snuggle to my chest.

 She did this cute finger waving thing (we called it her windshield wipers) for about 6 weeks until she realized there are a lot of other things to see.

Where did those little kids get to?

And here she is today!


  1. look how cute she was! we were behind all the other pandas, and Olivia's Gotcha day isn't until April 18th. She didn't eat either at first..and not for 3 days. only would drink juice or eat watermelon which hardly counts as a food lol

  2. Oh my, what a beautiful young lady!

  3. What a cutie she is. I love to see the "then and now" stories. Congratulations on 5 years together.
