Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Somehow I didn't get too many pictures. Guess my hands were busy doing other things.

 Yeah, I did....got him a set of harmonicas....

Faith did recover well enough to open gifts on Saturday evening, then emptied the house quickly when she tossed her egg roll...bummer!  She was fine all night, so we chalked it up to - too much too soon.
We were thankful that my newest nephew could make an appearance on Christmas day, we all tried to stay away from him and not share any germs.

They could use your prayers. Pierre Robin "ro-bane"  (type of cleft palate) looks like quite a challenge. Little one keeps getting his tongue in the wrong position and then he can't breathe well.  He is their 5th child, she could definitely use an extra hand.

This is the kind of birthday cake you get when you have to share it with your cousin and your mom made you a "half birthday" cake back in August.  We were clean out of "4"'s  so you have to imagine the 14 and elder cousin is 18 and did not hold still long enough for a picture.

See, he did get a real cake earlier....13.5 years...not 135

This week we are going to try to do the odd jobs that should be done....just in case we ever get to the home study part of this adoption. Like re-carpet the stairs....

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas Friend!!! Looks like you had a lovely celebration, well if you dismiss the egg roll!
