Tuesday, December 13, 2011


We started OT a few weeks ago and Joe has been working his wrist and
thumb quite a bit...it is discouraging because the scar tissue seems so
much stronger than we are.
Last week he had a PT eval....we received the report on Sat and while I
was reading the first part...the phrase "mom says" was repeated several
times...A little voice in my head said "the PT lady thinks you are too
picky...Joe is right."

Then I got to the part about HER observations...she had the same
concerns as I...actually noticed that he does not sit up straight.

Her goals actually exceeded mine!

So thankful for backup....I really don't care about slouching, but I
think it has its roots in- a little boy making himself as small and un-
noticed as possible....and I DO care about that.

Quite a few of the core muscles are weak -- if he wouldn't have the
added issues with his prosthesis he would have gained all that muscle on
his own...so here's a salute to the PT's and the OT's out there!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for progress!!! That is wonderful!

    LOVE that last pic! So great to see him smiling.
