So tonight we discussed whether the wearing of t-shirts under a short sleeved polo (uniform) shirt makes one "cool" or merely makes one...
And those socks some kids are wearing just don't come up past the ankle hips and are just too short. (Faith)
All the noise at supper was enough for 12 kids, poor Joe can't wait until all 3 of his sisters gang up on him..the youngest missed the point of the conversation, but she will catch on.
Long division and the learning of nouns, verbs, and adjectives have Faith in despair.
And since I won't go on a field trip where I've been voted as the "meanest mom" ( I just don't feel like dealing with it) I will go to Indian Echo Caverns with the 3rd graders, they don't hold public elections yet.
Today I got my birthday gift...a land line with a blue tooth head set...Shekinah did wonder why anyone would have a tooth in their ear.
But, running beneath the surface is a build up of grief, we are praying that a young man can walk across the stage for his diploma in 24 days.
love the conversations! I think the shirts under polos help with the whole chest not hanging out - at least on little boys. Not sure why they make the buttons down so far. The last paragraph has been on my mind this week.......