Sunday, April 5, 2015

He is Risen!

Happy Easter!
Resurrection Sunday!
The whole reason that Christians can face tomorrow. 

In the last week we had some additions to our family.
The post office called early and I went to pick up the babies. Put them in their cozy home but first I needed to remember to dip their beaks in the water in their waterer so they know where to find it.

Parker and Shekinah were highly entertained.

Then while I was doing book work Shekinah decided to play Apples to Apples. I figured it wouldn't get too bad....yeah, well there are 900 some cards in that box.
So I told Shekinah to help clean up...she didn't want to. I told her that is OK but, we won't be able to go see the peeps later if she can't help. It took her awhile to decide but she decided that it sorta looked like fun to clean up after all. Even Parker got in on picking up.

This is the snow we had left on Thurs afternoon. I am happy to say that it is all gone now.

On Saturday the cousins came! Faith told me she is glad I wasn't an only child.

Parker was impressed by the youngest of his daddy's cousins.
He said "arf, arf".

On Friday, dad and Zeke decided to used car shopping. Zeke's car was older than he was and was coming apart at various places, and needed weekly infusions of various fluids.
They settled on a 16 y.o. car instead.

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