So on Friday after I taught a CPR class and met hubby for a lunch date and picked up the younger girls at school, we picked up Grandma to go to a quilt show.
Now Shekinah was sure she didn't want to miss this.
She really didn't know what it was. After we visited the first few vendors her feet were very tired.
They were even more tired when I told her that we probably could not buy anything.
Tho' it looked like a yard sale they certainly weren't yard sale prices.
Then one of the stands had a drawing for a sewing machine and they told all of us to enter. They also had a little mug on the table with caramels. "Sure please take one!" the lady said....
A few booths later she was "patiently" waiting while Grandma watched a stand holder explain the intricacies of stained glass window quilting and a neighboring stand holder handed out some Tootsie Rolls. Suddenly this quilt show wasn't quite so boooring!
As we walked into another room, a man at another stand (another rarity, not many men go to quilt shows) saw Faith and Shekinah and asked if they are sewing yet? They answered with shrugs and nods. "Well you go over here and each select a fat quarter for free. Here put it in this bag." The stand had about a 1000 fat quarters. For those of you that don't quilt...a fat quarter is a piece of fabric that is 1/2 a yard long and 21" wide. The choosing was fun and of course mom had to buy a coordinating piece for each of their selections because we are going to make zippered pencil pouches!
Then my little group walked out to yet another stand and they were selling quilt magazines. My little second-grader could not see the magazines so she looked around and noticed a cute pen in the man's pocket. "I like your pen,"she told him. He paused a bit when he noticed her unique hand formation and bless his heart if he didn't simply pull out his pen and show her how it was a stylus on one end and a screen cleaner on the other....then he gave it to her!
It was high time to get out of there! She stopped at one more stand and found a mug with starlight mints, but the lady said she can't have one because they were "adult only"....BUT she had something in her box. After a bit of digging she came out with some gummy candy packs.

Not sure what I learned from all that, was fun.
Those cards that Shekinah is stitching were a great snowy day project.
I simply drew a picture and poked holes with a needle every 1/4". I then had them stitch around the design.
History is repeating itself here...reading the newspaper while holding a little boy.
Sharing the last drips of someone's coffee drink.
Ahh spring...
13" of it.