Monday, June 13, 2011

He's Baack!

That would be Joe....the boy with the half-closed eyes that wanted to
sleep all the gone. The happier child that is interested in
things, is back in our house. Even with the goofy can tell he
is happier.
We took him off the codeine and replaced it with regular Tylenol and as
of now he has not had any pain meds in 5 hrs. He gives his pain a "1".
I call that amazing progress.
On Saturday we had a boy that sank into pain with much noisy crying and
moaning and I was not sure how much was drama and how much was real. We
decided to treat it all as 'real'. We had to get him to focus and
breathe through the pain when the tylenol 3 was just not working. So to
see him feeling this good today is wonderful.

I also have the title of "A Very Good Mom" he really did award me that
prize! He told me first in the hospital and again today when Little
sister was upset about something and bad-mouthing me...He actually told
her to stop it "because she is a very good mom".

Thank you son, I have been trying....


  1. Love it!!! And I agree you are a very good mom!! And a very good friend! And a very good at alot of things!

  2. You definitely ARE a very good mom!!

    I'm SO glad Joe is feeling so much better. What a trooper (both of you!).

  3. Tylenol 3 made me soooooooooo nauseated and sick when I had a tooth extraction that I decided I'd rather have the untreated pain than that. Maybe T-3 doesn't agree with Joe?

    Prayers, thanks for all you share,

  4. Oh, definitely words to cherish. Hold that award in your heart and ponder it. Happy to see that boy smile a real smile-he must have been terribly afraid leading up to the surgery. How strange that surgery can help them trust us more. Glad you are all home safe and sound.

    And I'd have to agree with Joe-you ARE a great Mom.
