Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My Summer Thus Far

Finish one quilt, start another...

Raise some guinea fowl to eat ticks....they better grow a bit

Set up the pool

Get some exercise and eat a piece of bread for nourishment....that would be why the bread disappears so fast around here!

Build a fire to heat the water for the swimming pool...hubby's invention...our well water is 50 degrees and it takes a long time to make it "swimmable"...this year we needed to hurry the process so that....

first day in the water
Mr Joe....the one you can see swimming under the water...can learn to swim....took him about a week!
He had never been in water above his knees before..did I mention that he is a bit determined?

 Then we have our resident pool shark...the guy swimming with his cast encased in a plastic bag
Ahh do you keep cool when it is 90 degrees in the our house we drink lots of meadow tea (anyone know what that is) and open the windows....we don't use our AC and use those old fashioned screen doors....the ones that hit you in the rear end on the way in.


  1. I love the quilt! I haven't had time to quilt in months, not sure I will again anytime soon either! Looks like your kids are having a blast with the pool. Our kids went swimming today for the first time of the summer (aside form the belly flop contest at our local pool) and loved every minute of it!

  2. looks like fun! will Joe be able to swim after his hand surgery? or just get a big plastic bag?

  3. Sounds like summer at your house is a lot of fun. Love the quilt!

