Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ilizarov Devices

I'm not sure if I'm excited or scared, but because I'm the mom I'll be excited and brave.
They tell me that this Ilizarov device will help Joe straighten his fingers and gain his wrist back. AND they tell me that the pain will be minimal.
I really hope they know what they are talking about.
If you are curious what this device looks like do a search for  "photos of Ilizarov device for a hand"  somehow they still LOOK like they hurt.

Anyone who remembers us in the next few days, please say a prayer, especially pray that the pain is minimal and that he still trusts us after all this is over. Because in a few short weeks we will need to do the next surgery.



  1. OH so praying for your boy and for you. I thought it was for June 10th?? Let me know day and time!!!!

    You can do this!!!

  2. absolutely! I have talked to a few parents whose children have had I am expecting Natalie to need her arm lengthened soon...and truly they have said the pain is quite minimal. Natalie had a finger moved to become a new thumb and she only took pain meds for 2 days (because they made her crazy LOL) but truly she did not appear to be in pain after a couple of days. Let me know I can do anything to help you out--with the girls, or moral support or driving to Shriners (I am now an expert at getting there!) And do tell Dr. Kozin that his "best friend Natalie" says hi and she will see him in a few weeks (and I hope he will agree to lengthen her arm because it doesn't seem to be growing)

  3. I will definitely be praying for y'all!
