Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Off to Be Reviewed

I called the home study agency on Monday and was super friendly and super pushy...the draft version showed up in my in-box this AM. Thankfully I had "nothing" to do and reviewed it immediately, had them correct a few little errors with numbers and double checked all the other numbers.
If you never did a home study for an international adoption, there are numbers much you weigh (in kg please) how tall you are (in meters please) how much $$ you have in your checking account (in dollars please) how much in your savings, how much in your piggy bank, under the mattress and behind the tree in the back yard...
How much we spend on electric, phone and food in a month
Everyone's birthdays, every date we ever met with someone from our home study agency.  Oh I had a BLAST...think of it like the monthly visits to the OB-GYN...only not as much fun.

So now the game plan is ... our adoption agency gets to review this 45,869 character- 17 page long document of our life's story...make sure the novel has all the right takes 2 weeks to do that and a check...see side bar.

A word on God's provision...I teach CPR and first aid classes...I normally have 1 or 2 a month some times 3 or 4.  I will have taught ELEVEN classes from Feb 9 to March 9 (tomorrow). I didn't call people and remind them that they needed to renew...they came after I didn't quite come up with the  $1500 that we needed for the check that needs to go tomorrow...mostly because the bills for the bloodwork for our medical exams came due at the same time, but we came close. Will wait to see what He has in mind for the next month...gotta catch my breath first...

1 comment:

  1. Praying friend...looking at your children here and awed by God's grace working through Mamas into lives each day. Praying that each step will fall into place in just the right time, and that you and R. will have peace. Thankful that you've been able to work. Hang in there today, friend!
