Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Planning Ahead

 Actually I made this carrier from a pattern I found out there in internet land and made it for my cousin's wife...she is a foster mom. I want to make one to take to Ch*na when I travel, but wanted to make sure it works well. I really thought it felt comfortable, but only had "baby" in it. Excuse the funny look on my face...Hope was snapping pictures and I obviously wasn't quite ready..

I did load Faith in it, but she is just too big...but settling her on my hip was way more comfortable than any back pack I've tried.

The neat thing is that I used a leg of a pair of jeans for the inside and another pair of jeans for the straps and a pocket for the pocket....couldn't figure out how to get a belt loop attached without breaking my machine needle.


  1. I wear my children regularly. Even at the ages of 3 and 5. Particularly as my kids get larger, I prefer the ones that go over both shoulders vs. 1 shoulder. And if I'm going for long term comfort, I prefer a wrap (which is essentially just a non-strechy piece of material) over any carrier I've tried (there are tons of Y0uTube videos of wrap techniques... although there is a much larger learning curve with them).

  2. That is SOOO cute! I love it! I really enjoy your creativity. By the way, I love seeing another headcovering lady...sometimes I feel so alone in this journey. I truly enjoy your blog and please know I do pray for the hearts of your children. I know how hard this adoption walk can be but the Lord can do amazing things in the hearts of our blessed treasures!

  3. my jeans? hey i have a carrier you could use...one of the Hip Pandas. let me know. this looks very similar though!
