But no pics. My hubby took the day off to have some time at home with the kids (vacation time). We wanted to go to a local "safari" park,but with the temps predicted to be in the high 90's we just didn't feel it would be worth it.
So while I went for groceries he marshalled the kids to help spread some mulch before it was too hot. I bought some

and some ice pops. When every one was hot and sweaty we filled a bunch of them and went at it! That is why there are no pictures- I don't have a water-proof camera.
We threw water until everyone was soaked- even to their leg liners (uh-oh) the kids jumped into the pool to cool off. I put the leg liners in front of the fan and ran for the shower.
After supper we walked the mall. They have AC. Used some free coupons for soft pretzels (earned through the local library's summer reading program)
Stopped for the promised cold drinks
Ran the convenience store out of the frozen stuff before we all got ours.
Hope was a good sport and said she'd wait till we get to the next one. Humph! the next one didn't even have their machine running.
So after the third try we found a drink for Hope BTW we did offer to share ours.
Then when the 2 girls and I got out of the van...some guy was sitting on the curb enjoying his smoke and he looked from me to the girls. "Are they FreshAir girls?" (don't know if that is a local thing- bring bus loads of kids out from the city to stay with a family for 2 or more weeks)
I smiled and mumbled something about getting a lot of fresh air around here. But he asked again. I breezily said "nope, they are my daughters"
Went in the store- bought milk, and drinks, came out and he was still sitting there.
"Is your husband from Viet Nam?"
By then I was cracking up!
"Is he an American...I mean a white guy?"
You could just see the confusion on his face...
From there I could have went with any number of smart remarks, but I decided the poor guy seemed so genuinely innocent. I just said they were born in China. He's probably still trying to figure out how that makes them look different than me! (Just make sure you stay on US soil when your wife is about to give birth!) I'm sure something here is not PC, but just forgive me...it is slightly warm in this town tonite.
Hope said "you would have thought he never heard of adoption!"