Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Watch That Shooting Finger and My Other Job

                          You know, people ask me if having only 4 fingers handicaps her in anyway..
                             I'd say, it doesn't seem to stop her at all! She has quite the aim.

                              That brings me to my other job...patching pants!
                        In the past I always patched pants with fabric glue and fabric on the inside of the pants
                   That works OK unless the patch gets caught on a big toe or something...
                   the other day I saw an article on line about patching jeans and doing it neatly with a sewing machine and no additional fabric
                        So I decided to work on these pants that had a loose patch on the inside.
                        you stitch in line with the remaining threads, forward and backward a bunch of times
                     Then you can stitch perpendicular...or diagonal like I did here to finish it off
                             I was pleased with the results. I didn't put new fabric inside on the smaller holes, just on the larger one..... I was very happy with the results until....he came home last night with this big tear...
             a drill got away from him, thankfully it got his pants and not his leg.

1 comment:

  1. ugh,patching pants.never was one of my favorite husband had a grinder get away from him(earlier in the summer).he needed 18 stitches for that"patch-up"job. :(
