Thursday, November 19, 2015

Things You Learn

Today I learned that there are new ways to use your ironing board.
If you turn the board "backwards" you can iron a shirt faster. Use the square end and the whole front of the shirt is on the top of your board.
That's what you learn when you tell your friend to bring her kids over and the ironing so she can stay longer and we can solve the world's problems.

This week I improved my pizza crust!
I was reading how to make Chinese  scallion pancakes here and the author said that the trick is to "laminate" your dough. Now in the woodworking industry  laminates are sort of "fake" and "not the best"  but let me tell you, in cooking "laminating" is quite tasty.
I oiled my pan, stretched out the dough, spread a thin layer of oil on top of the dough.
Then fold the dough in quarters. Now you have 6 layers of dough with a thin layer of oil between!
Carefully pull/push your dough back out to the pizza pan size the viola! After you bake that, you have crispy, chewy layers of dough.
BTW the Chinese pancakes were tasty too!

Did you know? If you irritate your five year old she will draw house plans that  have you living separate from your spouse and she will live in yet another house (above).
BUT if you are nice, she will relent and build just two houses with mama and daddy living in one  and "me and my husband" living in the one beside.
We don't know who "T" is.

I am thankful tonight that she had her "feet hurt" fit while daddy was home and we could share duties.She ended up allowing me to rub her feet with peppermint oil and give her a dose of  "medicine". The medicine is pancake syrup in a syringe. I was suspicious that the pain was in her heart and not in her feet when the dose of Motrin the other day worked in mere minutes. I'm pretty sure that tonite's episode was set off by extreme tiredness.

Pray for Ben's decision making: He is considering a ten day stint with Samaritan's Purse in Greece before he comes home. Pray that if he is to come straight home it is clear to him and all doors are firmly closed.

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