Monday, June 6, 2016

Strawberries, Blue Skies, Fake Snakes, and

First thing on the Monday morning after a vacation weekend, you probably should not expect your children to cheerfully assist you in picking strawberries. I was very careful how I worded my expectations to some of my children and to my surprise they all helped. Some - the youngest- spent more time wandering up and down the row like a quality control inspector, but she came in handy when I was positioned like a person playing Twister. "Shekinah, bring me a box so I don't have to move my feet and step on more strawberries."  The row was wide and had a raspberry patch smack up against the one side- strange sense of humor there.  Then to top it off, Faith comes up to me with large-eyed concern, "Mom there is a snake down here!" I glanced back to where she had been working and Joe was staring at ...something.

Rats, I was the only adult out there.  And man! it was a King Cobra, but shouldn't he be rearing his head up if his hood was flared like that?  And don't tongues flicker when they are stuck out?

I still looked for a stick to poke it, just to be sure. We hung it on the stickery raspberry row until Faith was finished picking there, she just couldn't bring herself to pick around it...wonder why?

The weather was gorgeous and we were finished in an hour. Shekinah only needed one trip to inspect the interior of the house- under the guise of needing to use the bathroom.

Most everyone pitched in and we cleaned the berries and got them in the freezer, then the rest of the day was for drawing, sewing and sanding stubborn paint. We did manage to put on a primer coat this evening.

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