Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Math Facts and a Change of Pace

So this year we start a new chapter in our lives...maybe. The first-grade teacher has identified Shekinah as a student that is struggling with math facts. It came as a surprise to us because the very experienced kindergarten teacher last year hadn't mentioned anything. So now our evenings are spent with flash cards, and if we still have her attention, a math game disguised as a fun family game.  For the most part she is OK with working hard at this along with also doing the reading word lists and Bible Memory.  I try to go over Bible Memory every night at bedtime. Tonight I declared that "wait don't tell me!" does not appear in the Bible and I don't need to hear it at every pause like a "selah".

I've decided to try something a little different for the months of November and December. Instead of trying to fit quilt-making into every spare moment, I am going to do charitable other words "fun stuff".  If you look around there are a number of places that are looking for people to put their sewing machines to good use. There are little dresses, boys shorts, and sanitary napkin patterns (go read why) at    Christian Aid Ministries is always looking for donations of kits with new clothes for specific areas, that information can be found here.  I know there were a few places that took baby bibs to different orphanages especially for the cleft babies, so that would be another option. So I'm going to see how many dresses, shorts, bibs, or other items I can make in the next two months along with the other crazy stuff you usually end up doing in November and December.

Oh and we are babysitting son#1 little Yorkie, between the rabbit and the dog, life is not boring when the kids are in school.  Rabbit? you say. Yes, we have gone round the bend, Hope decided she wanted to house break a bunny. Lo and behold, it can be done. She uses a litter box. The dog is about the size of the bunny and the two do not think much of each other, therefore I could not get both of them on the same picture. The dog stays in the kitchen mostly and the rabbit stays on the carpet because the kitchen floor is like an ice rink to a rabbit :)

1 comment:

  1. Hope could train rabbits and sell them as therapeutic house trained bunnies. Might get rich! :)
