Friday, April 30, 2010

The Space in My Attic

A few months ago I decided to clean up the attic...sorted out all the treasures...put them in 5 separate boxes.
As I did that I left a space for Liang...well I hoped it would be his that point we didn't know if we even had PA. I wondered for a moment how big of a box I would need for a 10 y.o.'s "stuff". Looking at what my boys had saved...M*tchbox cars
Hess Trucks
school projects.
I wondered.

This week I thought of asking some of the other families that had adopted from the same orphanage.
I found out there is plenty of room in my attic for what my newest son will bring home!!

The clothes on his back
Not even any shoes for our son's feet
(his burn scars prevent him from wearing shoes)
Maybe a backpack
School books?  Maybe
Did he write any book reports that he is proud of?
No pictures of his friends or the family that was his for 8 years.

I have a BIG space in my attic

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I'm a Guest

The other week Moms, Ministry, and More asked me to write on the topic "What Adoption has Taught Me". I was honored to be asked. I really don't know much....I think she just asked me because I opened my mouth (always gets me in trouble)  any way go visit her site here and check out my post for the day. Read her earlier guest writer (Mon I think) her post was very good.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Advice Please

This past weekend about 30 families met and shared pot-luck and stories. The common denominator was that each of the families had adopted or was part of the foster system. All of the families are Christians with similar church settings (all Me*nonite)

We shared triumphs and struggles, but the most disturbing/ worrisome were the stories from the moms of the teens (of course), but what bugged me....these kids are members of church youth groups and the comments and ignorance they endured...
anyway .....SOMEBODY'S education and social graces are completely lacking....
My question to 17 readers....
how do I prepare my children for those wonderful teen years?

 I've read some of the WISE-UP stuff, but will those work for those almost adults that are so influential in a teen's life?
 Do you tell your kids to have "thick skin"...."you will always have mean/ignorant/oblivious people in your life, get used to it"    Or WHAT?

I personally would like to go shake some people and I'm "non-resistant" girls aren't even teens yet, how in the world am I going to keep the steam from rolling out my ears when it's their turn...or what can I teach them now?

Friday, April 16, 2010

Another Yard Sale

If you are anywhere in the area tomorrow...there is a big yard sale at Gehman's Mennonite School...we are selling....stuff.
Like wool bags

Book marks made by Big Sister...thanks for the idea Sally!

and outgrown clothes

and donated items

and fishing lures

I am praying the rain really is over by midnite as our intrepid weather forecasters have said. Why I even listen to a weather forecast? is beyond me.

Enjoy your Saturday.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Fields of Adoption

             Fields of Adoption 
Hand in hand
My husband and I stood.
We were farmers at heart
 And we farmed the land.
Though we had acreage and labored,
We felt we could farm
 A bit more.
We had heard snatches…
Of  available land.
And we asked the Great Owner,
Whether there was,
And He said there was much:
Vast fields…
But many rocky,
And the soil of other quality
 Than thought the normal:
Due to years—generations—
Of misuse,
And we considered, and were willing.
We asked and were granted
 Of the land available.
As had been said, the soil was
Of slightly different quality.
 And the practices of farming it,
Different as well.
It required much sweat
….and tears.
And from surrounding areas
 Some said,
 “They might have known!
Why accept such acreage!
Such could certainly be expected!”
And others saw, and
Felt they did understand.
Such great availability going to waste!
But why don’t they just
 like everyone else?
And those of experience look on,
And nod,  “Stand fast in the Lord.
And see what He may bring forth of your labors.”
For there is great blessing
 In the land He has given.
I did not write this, a friend gave me this to put in an Adoption Newsletter that I edit. I loved it!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

"I took away her alarm clock"

As soon as Big Sister was able to read time, she became enamored with the clock. "What time do we need to leave?"  " How many minutes till bed time?"

And she wanted an alarm clock like her big brothers' (silly girl)

So two Christmas' ago I bought an alarm clock and she loved knowing what time she needed to get up. She would often tell me she fell asleep at 8:12. She would watch the clock till she fell asleep.

This year she started popping her head up if she was disturbed and looking at the clock, then start crying "I can't fall asleep! It's 10:00 and I can't sleep."

She had been sleeping when she was disturbed!

For awhile I just grew frustrated....Little Sister needs to go to bed after Big Sister is asleep, otherwise neither of them sleep and school mornings are impossible.
But if Little Sister made any noise going to bed....Big Sister would be awake crying and then Little Sister would be crying!!!!

Finally  (I am a little slow) I took the clock....actually I unplugged it and put it under the bed.
Problem solved!

Now, she might be disturbed, but she rolls over and falls back to sleep, not the crying wide awake response we had when there was a clock to check!

I am still not sure why the time was so important...did she really think she hadn't been sleeping for two hours?

She still worries about the time, checking her watch during the day, but night time has definitely settled a bit.

I also gave her permission to come downstairs if she gets disturbed when the others are going to bed, she has not used that very often.

Friday, April 2, 2010

"Let the Door Open!"

We have two seasons at our house...."Close the Door" and "Leave the Door Open".

Today was a "leave the door open" day....loved it forgot to take rode bikes...oldest one waxed his and I painted most of the boys' bed room.

We don't use our air conditioners, mostly because I hate the noise and when the air is running I can't hear the children playing/yelling outside.

Plus I think AC makes my bones ache...yup I'm getting old.

Instead we have old fashioned screen doors on a spring...the ones that slap you on the behind on the way in.

They have their faults, but I love the sound.

Are there any other crazy people who don't use their AC?

Good Friday

I always thought Good Friday should be "black Friday" because when Jesus died on the cross, the world looked very black...can you imagine what His followers felt like at 3pm that day?

When we read or tell the Easter story...we know what comes next, but on the original Friday...they didn't know.

We think they should have known Jesus tried to tell them, but they could not understand.

Sometimes I wonder what He is showing us that one day we will look back and say. "We really should have known!"