Monday, March 31, 2014

She Graduated!

from rinsing the dishes (slopping in the water) to drying and doing a
good job of it. I wonder how long the enthusiasm will last? I missed the
shot of her diligently wiping the counter dry after she was finished.

Saturday, March 22, 2014


Picture from the other day, when Shekinah was playing church.

Mom! I don't need a coat!

Ben decided to dig out his uni-cycle and to his delight he could still ride it.

The truck needed a new starter, after a false start by replacing the solenoid, 
we tried the next most expensive item. Glad for a hubby that can fix things (he's the one under the truck)
Zeke managed to snare the job of "tool handler"
The  rest of them dug out scooters and bikes.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

My Little Helpers

So if you are worried that a child with "limb difference" needs a lot of extra far
her hands and feet have been the least of her difficulties... she can even 
zipper her winter coat now! Training from mom? almost none! I definitely did not teach her how to sharpen pencils!
 Shoe tying, here we come.
Now if we could just keep the color names straight!

                Poor Parker needed hearing protection the other day,when little
 "auntie" decided that life was just too hard to handle.

"Thanks Zeke, but they are too big for me."

Sunday, March 16, 2014

New Favorite Book

The best word in the book... KPOM!  The best sentence, "Isn't this a strange moss covered rock?"

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Saturday Catch-up

Oh wow! now we are having spring-like weather again. The other day while driving to school I noticed all the little rushing rivers beside the road. The snow run off would have been dangerous to any small rodents, but to me it meant that slowly, very slowly we would start seeing the dormant grass under the snow....well except for our front yard.
Then Wednesday night we had another blast of winter and I watched Ben dress in a washer's load of clothes for a day of working outside Thursday morning. That has been one of the bigger adjustments to this long winter, because of Ben's job, he wears 3 pair of pants and about 5 layers of t-shirt,sweat shirt, hoodie combo each depends what kind of dirt he worked in that day, he sheds a large washer load of clothes at the end of the day.

Yesterday we saw temps above freezing and the little rivers resumed their mad rush down to the Atlantic.
Our front yard has not kept up with the neighbor's though.

Last weekend we attended Embrace Adoption seminar and came home with lots of thoughts to ponder....

 It was a great time of meeting other families that are traveling the same road we are.

This past week Joe and Ezekiel were at Bible Quizzing retreat, their teams didn't get trophies this year, but they still had a good time. Re-entry into being one-of-six children didn't go as smoothly as it might have...but after a couple of nights of good sleep and gently correction, we should be OK.

Last Wednesday night Joe baptized on his confession of faith. It is a journey he has been on since 2011 when he accepted Christ as his Savior. This past fall he began New Believer's classes with the ministry, simple instruction on the truths about the Gospel. Baptism in our setting also brings with it church membership, so there were instructions on what that means. Sometimes there are gaps in his understanding, language barrier and all, but overall he gets it!  Sometimes I have to shake my head in awe at how God works.

On a different note, I found a new way to bake bread. Use your Belgium waffle iron! I divided my dough into 12 pieces, flattened it with a rolling pin and put it in my waffle iron. It bakes in about the same time as a waffle.  The bread is like a pita bread, you can fold it in half and place your sandwich fixings inside. Gonna make them with burgers tonite.

Oh and guess who is taking his nap at our house?

And grandma made some bibs for Parker last week. My dear pinched nerve is giving
me a little relief, but a I wish it would stop hurting all together, it makes typing and sewing a