Friday, April 29, 2011


Someone sent this to me to put in a newsletter...makes me cry every time I read it.

A Prayer For Children

We pray and we accept responsibility for children

           who sneak Popsicles before supper, who erase holes in math workbooks,

           who can never find their shoes.


And we pray and we accept responsibility for those

           who stare at photographers from behind barbed wire,

           who can’t bound down the street in a new pair of sneakers,

           who never “counted potatoes,”

           who were born in places we wouldn’t be caught dead,

           who never go to the circus, who live in an X-rated world.


We pray and we accept responsibility for children

            who bring us sticky kisses and fistfuls of dandelions,

            who hug us in a hurry and forget their lunch money.

And we pray and we accept responsibility for those

            who never get dessert, who have no safe blanket to drag behind them.

            who watch their parents watch them die, who can’t find any bread to steal,

            who don’t have any rooms to clean up,

            whose pictures aren’t on anybody’s dresser, and whose monsters are real.

We pray and we accept responsibility for children

             who spend all their allowance before Tuesday,

             who throw tantrums in the grocery store and pick at their food,

             who like ghost stories,

             who shove dirty clothes under the bed and never rinse out the tub,

             who get visits from the tooth fairy,

             who don’t like to be kissed in front of the carpool,

             who squirm in church or temple and scream in the phone,

             whose tears we sometimes laugh at and whose smiles can make us cry.

And we pray and we accept responsibility for those

             whose nightmares come in the daytime, who will eat anything,

             who have never seen a dentist, who aren’t spoiled by anybody,

             who go to bed hungry and cry themselves to sleep,

             who live and move, but have no being.

We pray and we accept responsibility for children

             who want to be carried and for those who must,

             for those we never give up on and for those who don’t get a second chance,

             for those we smother and for those

             who will grab the hand of anyone kind enough to offer it.

Please grab the hand of a child who is being left behind.

                                                       (Adapted from Ina J. Hughes)




Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Two friends saw this one in progress.
This is what it looks like when the top is finished. It still needs to
be quilted...not by me!

This particular quilt will be auction in September in Lancaster county
PA to benefit The Clinic for Special Children.

Each year the local "plain" people have a huge auction. The items are
donated and the proceeds fund a major part of the operating expenses.

It should be listed as the best tourist attraction in Lancaster county,
as you can find every flavor of "plain folk" represented in their
natural habitat....bidding at auction and eating :-)

Disclaimer: I did not donate my time to make this quilt this
boss insisted she pay me for my work.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Say What!?

Out of the same mouth...on the same day!
"It no fair!!"
"I don't like this family!"
Later when I was reading a blog that was advocating for older child
"Mom, can-a we bring home another boy?"
Younger sister: "No, a little baby girl!"
Same child: "No a little baby boy!"
Mom: "God needs to talk with daddy first."
SC: "Did God talk to daddy when you bring me home?"
Mom: "Yes, dear."
Just so's I understand here!? Are we a good family or not? Why bring
another brother to a family you don't like?
Or maybe you do like us, but are afraid to?....

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Good Friday Ect.

Good Friday also happened to be Oldest Daughter's 9th birthday....but since I had offered to work at a local market we spread out the celebration over two days...

She opened some of the gifts before I left

Then I went off to a crazy busy stand that sells subs and soda to tourists and other people :^)

It was wonderful. I ran my feet off, and for approx 9 hours no one whined or tattled! AND I got paid for it!!!

 Then today wonderful daddy put the finishing touches on a HUGE blackboard! The perfect gift for an aspiring teacher.  We used blackboard paint on a piece of hardboard that was reduced because of damaged corners.

Then we celebrated with ice cream cake.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Palm Sunday

From the sermon this morning:

Praise the Lord --do your job--so the rocks don't have to.  Luke 19:40

Another Wonderful Saturday

I am totally blown away! Another visit from some wonderful bloggy friends. You can see her blog here

That Lego box has gotten a work out lately.
Chinese writing lessons
 We actually got 6 kids to sort of smile and look at the camera

It was a stormy rainy day and I think the weather got to the moms. It was lovely to have Anna and her boys to our house. It helps when you can chat with someone IRL and they "get it".  Thanks Anna.

Monday, April 11, 2011

" I Go Back to Orphanage."

I heard you say this I think you were bracing yourself
I'm not sure.
I'm sorry you think I'm picking on you...
but some days the bread IS too soft....
Some days you need to get a spoon to get the applesauce from the bottom
of the container.
Splashing it on the table in frustration and saying "I can't" is just
not appropriate.
I would not be doing my job if I did not correct that.
No I don't have to tell the big boys that stuff...they learned it a long
time ago.
I know "Orphanage not teach me (you)"
But I'm just a mama, I forget....
One day you blow me away....Fourth Grade spelling words! but then the
Sorry you don't like any cereal, you ate this kind last week.
It is hard to remember to ask...."Mama, will you make me hot
cereal....Mama, will you help me? Mama can you show me?"
And tone of voice...oh my, tone of voice....I am only men
folk do not order me around!
I am so glad that by the time I dropped you off at school....
I got my kiss and " I guess I don't go to orphanage"
Maybe you do know that some kids come back....( I didn't think that is true)
"But not my boy....not my boy"
You heard me,'re stuck with this mama.
The relieved smile on your face looked so good....where is a camera when
I need one?
I will etch it on my brain to pull out for the next time....and the next

Saturday Visitors

We were blessed with visitors on Saturday

A good time was had by all...

Even the moms had some fun...please don't look at my disorganized kitchen...

They came from far away, but as Ben said..."They didn't even have an accent!"

And I said, "She doesn't look like she has 10 kids!"

Welcome to our home any time, Sally, Bryson, and Gracie!

Friday, April 8, 2011

A Day at Shriner's

We had an appointment at 11 but I knew before hand that the Dr's were
going to be in surgery. The trick was to be able to catch both before
they raced off to their next duty.

By 1:30 we had eaten lunch and Faith and Joe had watched enough Mickey
Mouse Club to make up for the 6 month absence of TV.
FINALLY the 2 Dr's were free... If you don't like details....just quit now.

Well- we made a new plan of action....we will be doing the hand
first...external fixator sometime the beginning of June that will take
about 5 weeks to do its job. That job is to bring his fingers out of
hiding in the big scar that makes up his right hand.
Then July 28th we will be back to ....(sounds awful) remove the feet.
Hopefully if we need any skin grafting for the arm/hand they will be
able to do it with skin from the feet.

I did feel comfortable that the Dr's revisited the decision whether or
not it was the best idea to 'delete' the feet or to 'replace them into
correct anatomical position and fuse the ankles'

I don't think my active 11 y.o. son would do well with fused ankles.

He seems OK with the plan...he understood the conversation and had
talked about amputaion with his teacher earlier in the week.

It looks like it will be a VERY long summer.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

BORING! But Necessary

I saved this post for a dull spot in my life... well I guess dull isn't exactly the word...just same old excitement every day.

Anyway, before Joseph came home we had to reorganize the bedrooms and we put 4 boys in one room. Our bedrooms are not all that large and neither are the closets. I was trying to figure out how on earth we would fit the clothing of 4 boys in one room (very glad it wasn't girls-woulda never fit). Somewhere in that time frame I read about the Duggars and their method for handling laundry.

I actually talked my hubby into making a clothing room in the basement. My reasoning ran something like this....during the winter we dry our clothing in the basement in front of the wood stove anyway...most of the clothing ends up in the basement and cannot find its way up to the dressers in the bedrooms.

After much nagging...umm sweet talking   he agreed and built these 'cubbies'.

Each person has two blocks and I can tell at a glance who did not put away their laundry. As you can see none of us is terribly neat. The out of season clothes is packed in boxes under the dress ironing board sits ready to be used and a laundry basket is waiting by the door for dirty laundry. The boys usually use the dressing room and the girls being the younger ones, grab their clothes and dress in the bathroom where I am handy to help if needed...If someone wants to dress in their bedroom, they are more than welcome to take their clothes to their bedroom BUT laundry only gets collected in the bathrooms or the clothing room (old meanie I am)

Since we live in the woods, we need a breeze and sun at the right time of the day in order to dry laundry from November to April this drying rack is my friend....find one at My Amish Goods   my niece and nephew make them.