Yes, I know, the internet is flooded with pictures of snow, but this is my diary and an event this great should not be ignored.
The weather prophets were correct this time!
This was the storm that actually lived up to and exceeded the forecast.
I predict that the forecasters will be insufferable for the next two years. They will be riding high on the success of this prediction.
Friday night after it started snowing I took one last run to the grocery store for milk and baking supplies. I didn't get bread because we aren't into milk sandwiches--actually I baked bread on Saturday evening and made yogurt with the milk.
I sent a text to Ezekiel telling him it is snowing and he should head home from his quiz-team-shirt-shopping expedition. Received a text from Ben saying he successfully completed the first leg of his trip to the cabin.
Then the bored people of the house settled into "doing-something-other-than-playing-mindless-computer games" The ones that don't appear on these pictures were playing mindless computer games. Faith started on a cross-stitch piece.
Hope used up all my baking supplies.
Shekinah tried her hand at sewing on buttons.
I worked on my quilt-that-is-taking-forever.
Until we got a call from Ben saying they were in an accident halfway to the cabin.
No one hurt, except for his car.
No other car involved. BUT his car is in a garage two hours away and they were waiting at a McDonald's until one of the youth advisers could come and rescue them. (Yes, "he" became "them" he has a girlfriend)
Talk about feeling helpless.
His phone of course had no coverage when they arrived at the cabin, but thankfully I found out that they did arrive safely at 2AM.
Saturday was a gray snowy actually snowed for 24+hours.
It must have been the weather, but I couldn't settle down to do anything worthwhile.
Shekinah struggled to walk in the stuff.
The 24" ruler that Faith stuck in the yard disappeared and the drive needed to be snow-blown at least twice.
Toward evening we dug out the cars that were buried in the driveway.
Zeke could just pick up huge chunks off the roof. The snow is a strange consistency.
Sunday AM the world looked better with the addition of sunshine. Church was cancelled.
I was supposed to be on ambulance duty, but our street was not plowed until too late and then they closed our drive when they did plow. I worry about the lady who took my place tho...she is about 5', they might need rescue to dig her out of a snow drift!
All the snow angels were made at the edge of the drive, cause the girls were afraid of losing a boot if they ventured into the yard.