I'm trying, but those crafts keep getting less and less ambitious.
Here is Shekinah's family portrait. The extra one there is Parker, don't get any ideas.
We still need to make our clocks.
We have had our second day (two hours worth) of driver training. The first day the girls and I went shopping, somehow it didn't agree with Shekinah (surprise!) and I declared she will go to a baby sitter this week. I didn't get that arranged in time so today found us in Hershey again, this time I had a plan. We were going to the Goodwill I found on the map and then if we had time we were going to the library. Well the Goodwill was a DONATION site only, but I now know where East Grenada or Granada (different spellings on different signs) street are in Hershey.
So we investigated the library. They allowed us to check out books, all I needed was a photo ID and my hometown library card. They were even nice about it! Check out just wasn't the same though with out the beep that accompanies our librarian's scanner. So far removed from the old card stampers that they used 25+ years ago. They gave a satisfying "clunk" when they stamped a book card.
We topped off the afternoon by using free ice cream coupons from a local grocery store.
Tuesday night gave me this scene. They played "The Bean Game" for an hour. Shekinah played her own version with the left-over cards. The only city news was that Ben's house was broken in, the only thing missing was a dollar bill that was lying beside his laptop and a piece of cake from the fridge. Guess I'll send more food. I suggested he takes the offered K'nex and Hot Wheels sets, but he said, "They will probably just throw them at each other. Playing basketball is violent enough."
So I guess my other idea of hammering nails into a board is out too?
On the positive side, the kids like his violin and he is giving "lessons". Might need to buy another $50 violin at Christmas.
QOTD #1 "Driving is stressful"
QOTD#2 "No I don't want to go for ice cream, I spent four hours in the car already, it's too far away."
QOTD#3 "Mom, did my bear come with clothes, cause I don't like him sitting in church nekid."