Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Favorites from 2019

These are not necessarily the best photos of the year, but they each have a story.
This year I barely needed to wrap any egg rolls. These two have improved their skills alot.

So we figured out that my oven thermometer wasn't working when the cheesecake was burnt black on the top even though only half the baking time had passed.
Thankfully my husband is a smart man and Amazon carried the control board we needed.

The girls and I went out for Thai food over Thanksgiving vacation. We of course had to do the silly selfie. I treasure the craziness that teens bring to my life...well some of it.

This young man! He grew up so much and got glasses.

The Sunday that Hope dictated we NEEDED to get a family was cold
and the lighting was dark but photos were taken.

This one of Faith "watching"  the grands. Hudson barricaded himself so 
Avalon couldn't wreck his stuff. The dog of course was guarding.

In November, the girl grandchildren outnumbered the boy grands.
Welcome Brielle Shalom.

Vashti was impressed.

Our first stand selling leather at a local craft show in September.

September in China....can't even figure out which is the best photo for there.

This girl traveled like a trooper.

These two! They mixed paint and water, they convinced me to make glittery skirts and
they pretended they were queens of the world.

Big boys celebrating their birthdays.

This is a very blurry photo, but I'm still proud to be part of this group of people.

June birthday selfie

Faith is a favorite auntie of this little guy.

Joe getting to know his niece.

These two! Friends and relatives.

Love this!

In March, Avalon Faye joined our family!

Joe trying to figure out what we put in his big box. 
If you ever need your house power's your person.