After cleaning up the house and cooking some a little food, two families from our last travel group came over and we got to meet the newest members of their families. About 4 years ago we received pictures of our girls. We all became parents together in a civil affairs office in Guang*hou. We have stayed close these four years and it is so neat to see the girls growing up together. Today they came in the door and were off playing in no time, it has been months since they have all played together.
This time we had 2 new siblings one little girl from Ch*na, and a little boy from K*rea! Hopefully next time we can be very close to bringing our new son home or maybe he will be home (wishful thinking)
One of the families could not make it because of a snow storm :^(
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Think I'll Get Finished?
A long time ago when I didn't have a whole lot to do...just go to work everyday, come home cook supper and clean a know the "time before kids". I picked up a new hobby every chance I got and I loved counted-cross stitch, so when baby #1 was coming I picked out the prettiest baby sampler I could find and was ready to put in the name and other statistics when he was #2 - pretty much the same story. I was finished with sampler about the time he was born.
When baby #3 was on HIS way I picked out a very pretty sampler and somehow it took longer to get that one finished. I thought maybe it would be a nice goal to have the sampler finished by the time he was potty-trained.....
Then along came my first girl - also our first adoption....I searched all over for a baby sampler suitable for this special occasion. I settled on this one. It was finished by the time she was in first grade. (We are definitely slowing down here, what IS the deal?) Yes the Chinese Characters are her original name.
THEN along comes girl #2 and I found a special sampler- I should be able to fit her name and statistics in there somewhere....she isn't in first grade....yet, but I wonder if I should have picked another way to commemorate our children's arrival in our family?
Now I need to find a special one for Liang, I saw a really nice one on a web site yesterday, Chinese Sampler w/ cranes, fans, bamboo on black.....but good grief the poor boy will be graduating before I get his sampler hung on the wall....maybe if I get off the computer and do more stitiching I would be finished by now???
Off to do more "necessary" making the family book for my husband's will only be 150 pages....why DO I open my mouth?
When baby #3 was on HIS way I picked out a very pretty sampler and somehow it took longer to get that one finished. I thought maybe it would be a nice goal to have the sampler finished by the time he was potty-trained.....
Here are the 3 first samplers #3 is the one on the left.
Then along came my first girl - also our first adoption....I searched all over for a baby sampler suitable for this special occasion. I settled on this one. It was finished by the time she was in first grade. (We are definitely slowing down here, what IS the deal?) Yes the Chinese Characters are her original name.
THEN along comes girl #2 and I found a special sampler- I should be able to fit her name and statistics in there somewhere....she isn't in first grade....yet, but I wonder if I should have picked another way to commemorate our children's arrival in our family?
Now I need to find a special one for Liang, I saw a really nice one on a web site yesterday, Chinese Sampler w/ cranes, fans, bamboo on black.....but good grief the poor boy will be graduating before I get his sampler hung on the wall....maybe if I get off the computer and do more stitiching I would be finished by now???
Off to do more "necessary" making the family book for my husband's will only be 150 pages....why DO I open my mouth?

Monday, January 25, 2010
Helping Annie Advocate
I asked Annie from Cornbread and Chopsticks if I could copy her post from today...she said "go ahead"
The reason her post is special to me...our son is from CWA's Hope project and I wish I could just bring these two little ones along home, but I doubt we would get another waiver. So please spread the word maybe someone will help out at the last minute here.
It doesn't take much to apply for the passwords for their site and you can see the video clips posted with their pictures.
The first 2 precious ones who have been on my blog before, are both on Christian World Adoption's list and are incredibly cute. In their videos (yes they have videos - how great is that), they are not outgoing or talkative. They would not be ones to draw attention to themselves, but they are both adorable and shy and you just want to wrap your arms around both of them and protect them forever!! On this list, the children are not given names, onlym: numbers and I have said before that I would so love to see those numbers replaced with names! I know that their time on this list is done as CWA just got another very large list of waiting kids and Carol has informed me that their files will be sent back THIS month. Please go to their website here and ask for their password. The first one on their list is a completely adorable little boy who is just 5 years old. He had a famliy for a while who have decided not to move forward and that just breaks my heart because as they waited and he was "on hold," no one else was reviewing his file and now he may have run out of time! I have seen his file and there is nothing in it that would give me pause. This is what was written about him.
c0907-36 (his number)
Male. Deformed palms (both hands).
DOB: 09-95-2004
He was sent to the children welfare center on Oct 14, 2004. He is living with foster family and also attends the kindergarten nearby. With the help of teachers and foster parents he can remember simple children poetry now such as “little duck“. He moves quickly and there is no problem in walking and running. He eats by himself and he can wash his face and brush his teeth by himself. He can dress or undress himself and also put on or off his shoes. He is a very lovely boy but he doesn’t like to talk a lot. Most of the time he is quiet and prefers to show himself by actions.
The beautiful little girl on their list is 8 years old and in her pics and video, she has lost both of her front teeth!! Too cute!!! This is what is written about her:
c0907-25 (her number)
Female. Type B Mediterranean anemia.
DOB: 9-5-2001
She was sent to the children welfare center on Sept 29, 2001, now she is living with foster family. She is a student of first grade. She is a little slow in learning but she is a hard working girl. She is serious about learning. She can manage her daily life and also tries to help sometimes such as washing clothes, sweeping the floor, cleaning dishes. She is a cheerful girl and loves to laugh. She likes to do rope skipping with other kids; she likes to play with dolls and other kids’ games. She is a polite girl and is polite with others. She loves to help other kids. She respects teachers in school. All teachers, foster parents and other students love her very much.
The reason her post is special to me...our son is from CWA's Hope project and I wish I could just bring these two little ones along home, but I doubt we would get another waiver. So please spread the word maybe someone will help out at the last minute here.
It doesn't take much to apply for the passwords for their site and you can see the video clips posted with their pictures.
The first 2 precious ones who have been on my blog before, are both on Christian World Adoption's list and are incredibly cute. In their videos (yes they have videos - how great is that), they are not outgoing or talkative. They would not be ones to draw attention to themselves, but they are both adorable and shy and you just want to wrap your arms around both of them and protect them forever!! On this list, the children are not given names, onlym: numbers and I have said before that I would so love to see those numbers replaced with names! I know that their time on this list is done as CWA just got another very large list of waiting kids and Carol has informed me that their files will be sent back THIS month. Please go to their website here and ask for their password. The first one on their list is a completely adorable little boy who is just 5 years old. He had a famliy for a while who have decided not to move forward and that just breaks my heart because as they waited and he was "on hold," no one else was reviewing his file and now he may have run out of time! I have seen his file and there is nothing in it that would give me pause. This is what was written about him.
c0907-36 (his number)
Male. Deformed palms (both hands).
DOB: 09-95-2004
He was sent to the children welfare center on Oct 14, 2004. He is living with foster family and also attends the kindergarten nearby. With the help of teachers and foster parents he can remember simple children poetry now such as “little duck“. He moves quickly and there is no problem in walking and running. He eats by himself and he can wash his face and brush his teeth by himself. He can dress or undress himself and also put on or off his shoes. He is a very lovely boy but he doesn’t like to talk a lot. Most of the time he is quiet and prefers to show himself by actions.
The beautiful little girl on their list is 8 years old and in her pics and video, she has lost both of her front teeth!! Too cute!!! This is what is written about her:
c0907-25 (her number)
Female. Type B Mediterranean anemia.
DOB: 9-5-2001
She was sent to the children welfare center on Sept 29, 2001, now she is living with foster family. She is a student of first grade. She is a little slow in learning but she is a hard working girl. She is serious about learning. She can manage her daily life and also tries to help sometimes such as washing clothes, sweeping the floor, cleaning dishes. She is a cheerful girl and loves to laugh. She likes to do rope skipping with other kids; she likes to play with dolls and other kids’ games. She is a polite girl and is polite with others. She loves to help other kids. She respects teachers in school. All teachers, foster parents and other students love her very much.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
If Only…
If only I had a better job. If only I HAD a job. If only our house was larger. If only I HAD a house. If only I had a two parent home. If only I HAD parents.
I would be much happier if I had straight hair. I would be much happier if I had curly hair. I would be much happier if I HAD hair.
If only my parents had stayed together. If only my parents had separated (we wouldn't have seen so much fighting).
I would be happier if I could lose weight. I would be happier if my baby would gain weight.
If only I could buy that pair of shoes…dress…coat. If only there were shoes to buy.
I would be happier if I had not been adopted. I would be happier if I HAD been adopted.
Exactly what does make people happy? You can find happy contented people in all situations. You can find dissatisfied people in every walk of life.
I would venture to say the only truly happy people are ones who are walking in God's will, and not looking to things or other people to make them happy.
The Corporate Curmudgeon (Dale Dauten) had a column in our local paper this week (I tried to find a link to his column, but couldn't) Anyway the column opens with Ralph Waldo Emerson's quote "Be an opener of doors" and, "How's this for a Big Goal for a manager: To be the answer to employees' prayers." He asks how many people have ever prayed for their boss to be a better boss? He tells the story of John Molt –"his mother committed suicide when he was 5 years old, he then lived in a series of foster homes, some of them quite horrific, and ended up with multiple addictions."
Instead of blaming the system and saying "if only" he asked himself "Is this the best you can do?" After getting sober, and out of prison, he became a Christian." He prayed for two things, a good woman to be his wife and a boss who would give him a chance to grow and excel. He ended up with both." He got a decent starting job and a boss that gave him a chance to succeed. Instead of sitting back and enjoying his success, he had opened his heart to others who are looking for a second chance. It is much easier and less risky to open your check book and give money, than to open your heart and risk being a hero or a fool.
That article challenged me. Right now business is down and my husband's hours have been cut. It is easy to look at the managers and say, "well if only they would ____" I decided I would pray for the managers, I know some of them are not Christians, some of them are. I need to pray for all of them to make the right choices. It is so much easier though to say "If only…"
This IS what makes me happy my kids all crowded around one keyboard playing a silly game they call tag.
(ignore the mess in the background)
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
One (tiny) Step Forward
Yesterday we received a "Notice of Action" on our I-800A. Hopefully we soon get the fingerprint appointments. Does anyone know how long it take for them to ask for more information, if they decide the HS doesn't meet specs? Does that happen before or after the fingerprint appt papers?
Monday, January 18, 2010
What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?
Yesterday my husband ask Biggest Sister what she wants to be when she grows up…she had trouble answering…after all she is only in 2nd grade. He then asked Little Sister, she promptly replied "I want to be a lady, and sew". Oh my!, just like mommy….(except for the "lady" part never was much of a lady). Then Biggest Sister decided she wants to work for 2 years at W*lmart as a cashier and then 2 yrs at a local grocery store then become a teacher. I'm OK with the teacher part, but what's with the other stuff? But y'know when I was that age I really wanted to be a waitress in a restaurant. Never did get to do that. I just wait on tables at our house.
Then I got to thinking, why did I think either of them should aim "higher" is being a cashier at W*lmart a "lower" job than being a teacher? Is being a "lady" and sewing like mommy, not a success? I guess, if you are looking at salary or hours. But would my daughter be a failure if she was just happy doing that kind of a job?
No, I don't think so.
I will be the first to admit, I want the best for my children. But, I need to remember to look at God's plan for their lives and help them to find that plan. There comes a point that you have to let go and allow them to learn from experience and I am finding it is a hard thing to do.
It is hard not to give unsolicited advice to my 18 y.o. I'm learning…slowly.
Today I took a deep breath and did not take a lunch to the 14 y.o. at school. He forgot to pack it because he was doing last minute studying for a Bible test this morning. Other years, I would run the lunch to school, but this year I decided they are responsible for their own lunches. I do help the 7 y.o. to be sure she has a healthy lunch, but she is not the one that has a problem remembering her stuff. ( I did give the 14 y.o. some money to buy at the vending machine, so I'm not a total meanie.)
Then I got to thinking, why did I think either of them should aim "higher" is being a cashier at W*lmart a "lower" job than being a teacher? Is being a "lady" and sewing like mommy, not a success? I guess, if you are looking at salary or hours. But would my daughter be a failure if she was just happy doing that kind of a job?
No, I don't think so.
I will be the first to admit, I want the best for my children. But, I need to remember to look at God's plan for their lives and help them to find that plan. There comes a point that you have to let go and allow them to learn from experience and I am finding it is a hard thing to do.
It is hard not to give unsolicited advice to my 18 y.o. I'm learning…slowly.
Today I took a deep breath and did not take a lunch to the 14 y.o. at school. He forgot to pack it because he was doing last minute studying for a Bible test this morning. Other years, I would run the lunch to school, but this year I decided they are responsible for their own lunches. I do help the 7 y.o. to be sure she has a healthy lunch, but she is not the one that has a problem remembering her stuff. ( I did give the 14 y.o. some money to buy at the vending machine, so I'm not a total meanie.)
Looking to the future? (love those cheesy smiles)
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Hot Fudge Pudding Cake
8-10 servings (4-6 if teen boys)
Heat oven to 350
1 cup flour
½ cup white sugar
¼ tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
2 Tbsp cocoa powder (baking kind)
½ cup milk
2 Tbsp oil
Mix in a medium-size bowl. Pour into an ungreased 9 x 9 pan.
¾ cup brown sugar
¼ cup cocoa (baking kind)
Sprinkle on top of the batter in the pan.
1-3/4 cups hot water (just from the tap)
Pour over the brown sugar,cocoa mix
Don't' stir…just pop it in the oven
Bake 40-45 min. Cake comes to the top and pudding forms on the bottom.
Serve hot or cold with milk or icecream
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Saturday Night at Our House
Let's talk about Sat night at our house…tonight Big Brother wanted to go out for supper because his plans did not work out (snowboarding in 50 degree weather). I vetoed that because I'm trying to stick to my new budget and eating out was NOT in there. So we did Mc D's at our house…
First we made the rolls and Big Sister mixed the Chocolate Pudding Cake
The rolls…a little whole wheat flour…gotta be better than you know who's
Now the French Fries…left the skins on, that's our fiber …
Yummy burgers with cheese
THEN the Chocolate Pudding Cake with vanilla ice cream
ENJOY! We don't get this very often.
I'm not sure how to make interesting blog posts, I feel as if I know a lot of the other bloggers personally. I've been reading your blogs for a while. Since we started this journey to Liang I wanted to share and be able to ask for prayers as we go along. This is going to be a new experience for our family, we've adopted twice, but never out of birth order and never "older". Our son-to-be lives in Beijing and is 9 years old. I will share his SN as it is pretty visible and will be part of the prayer requests I'm sure. He has burn scars on his feet, his right hand and the sides of his face. His scars had not been treated and his feet have deformed quite a bit and the doctors say he should be treated soon, before he grows much more. Any way as you can see from our time line, we have PA, but just finished our home study. We started at the other end of the process and got approval before starting the home study because we knew we needed a waiver and were not sure we would get one. That was God's hand, so now we wait on His timing to get through the rest of the process. It is MUCH harder to have the picture then do the paperwork!
First we made the rolls and Big Sister mixed the Chocolate Pudding Cake
The rolls…a little whole wheat flour…gotta be better than you know who's
Now the French Fries…left the skins on, that's our fiber …
Yummy burgers with cheese
THEN the Chocolate Pudding Cake with vanilla ice cream
ENJOY! We don't get this very often.
I'm not sure how to make interesting blog posts, I feel as if I know a lot of the other bloggers personally. I've been reading your blogs for a while. Since we started this journey to Liang I wanted to share and be able to ask for prayers as we go along. This is going to be a new experience for our family, we've adopted twice, but never out of birth order and never "older". Our son-to-be lives in Beijing and is 9 years old. I will share his SN as it is pretty visible and will be part of the prayer requests I'm sure. He has burn scars on his feet, his right hand and the sides of his face. His scars had not been treated and his feet have deformed quite a bit and the doctors say he should be treated soon, before he grows much more. Any way as you can see from our time line, we have PA, but just finished our home study. We started at the other end of the process and got approval before starting the home study because we knew we needed a waiver and were not sure we would get one. That was God's hand, so now we wait on His timing to get through the rest of the process. It is MUCH harder to have the picture then do the paperwork!
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