Saturday, January 16, 2010

Saturday Night at Our House

Let's talk about Sat night at our house…tonight Big Brother wanted to go out for supper because his plans did not work out (snowboarding in 50 degree weather). I vetoed that because I'm trying to stick to my new budget and eating out was NOT in there. So we did Mc D's at our house…

First we made the rolls and Big Sister mixed the Chocolate Pudding Cake

The rolls…a little whole wheat flour…gotta be better than you know who's

Now the French Fries…left the skins on, that's our fiber …

 Yummy burgers with cheese

THEN the Chocolate Pudding Cake with vanilla ice cream

ENJOY! We don't get this very often.

I'm not sure how to make interesting blog posts, I feel as if I know a lot of the other bloggers personally. I've been reading your blogs for a while. Since we started this journey to Liang I wanted to share and be able to ask for prayers as we go along. This is going to be a new experience for our family, we've adopted twice, but never out of birth order and never "older". Our son-to-be lives in Beijing and is 9 years old. I will share his SN as it is pretty visible and will be part of the prayer requests I'm sure. He has burn scars on his feet, his right hand and the sides of his face. His scars had not been treated and his feet have deformed quite a bit and the doctors say he should be treated soon, before he grows much more. Any way as you can see from our time line, we have PA, but just finished our home study. We started at the other end of the process and got approval before starting the home study because we knew we needed a waiver and were not sure we would get one. That was God's hand, so now we wait on His timing to get through the rest of the process. It is MUCH harder to have the picture then do the paperwork!


  1. YAY!! I'm so excited to see your precious family! Wow, what beautiful children you have! Oh and your dinner looks FABULOUS!

    And I simply can't wait to follow along on your journey to your new son.

    Love you, sweet friend!

  2. welcome to blogging! you are doing just fine :) i want some chocolate pudding cake!


  3. Those fries look delicious!

  4. I'm so excited to read your blog. I found it from the BCWI message board. We filed our LOI about the same time as you did, and received our PA about the same time. We just finished our home study. We are adopting a seven year old SN boy who has burn scars - but his are hidden by clothing and don't seem to be affecting his movement. We have 3 other kids at home and this is our first adoption. Our adopted son will be our next to the youngest, so this is out of birth order for us as well.

  5. Blog looks great! I was an April Panda before with our last adoption, I think you were too. Anyway, I know what you mean about it being harder with the picture, we are waiting for a 5, soon to be 6, year old. She will be out of birth order too, but I am assuming since God is bringing us to this place, he will guide us through it. Seems we are on the same timeline too.

  6. I think your new blog looks great. I think I started out with this template in a different color. Congratulations on your new son. We brought our daughter Sophia who is 4 home from Beijing in July. I wish you all the best on your journey and will keep you in my prayers.

  7. Who needs a restaurant when you can put on a spread like that!!! Sure could take some lessons from you, I need encouragment like this to stick to my budget...THANKS :)

  8. I am so glad you stareted a blog. That is a great first post, no how about that pudding cake recipe? The rolls look great, too!

  9. I am so excited to finally SEE you and yours!! How fun is that for us??? I may just have to make your pudding cake today with our bored to tears girls as we experience torrential downpours for the next two weeks!!!
