Monday, January 18, 2010

What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?

Yesterday my husband ask Biggest Sister what she wants to be when she grows up…she had trouble answering…after all she is only in 2nd grade. He then asked Little Sister, she promptly replied "I want to be a lady, and sew". Oh my!, just like mommy….(except for the "lady" part never was much of a lady). Then Biggest Sister decided she wants to work for 2 years at W*lmart as a cashier and then 2 yrs at a local grocery store then become a teacher. I'm OK with the teacher part, but what's with the other stuff? But y'know when I was that age I really wanted to be a waitress in a restaurant. Never did get to do that. I just wait on tables at our house.

Then I got to thinking, why did I think either of them should aim "higher" is being a cashier at W*lmart a "lower" job than being a teacher? Is being a "lady" and sewing like mommy, not a success? I guess, if you are looking at salary or hours. But would my daughter be a failure if she was just happy doing that kind of a job?

No, I don't think so.

I will be the first to admit, I want the best for my children. But, I need to remember to look at God's plan for their lives and help them to find that plan. There comes a point that you have to let go and allow them to learn from experience and I am finding it is a hard thing to do.

It is hard not to give unsolicited advice to my 18 y.o. I'm learning…slowly.

Today I took a deep breath and did not take a lunch to the 14 y.o. at school. He forgot to pack it because he was doing last minute studying for a Bible test this morning. Other years, I would run the lunch to school, but this year I decided they are responsible for their own lunches. I do help the 7 y.o. to be sure she has a healthy lunch, but she is not the one that has a problem remembering her stuff. ( I did give the 14 y.o. some money to buy at the vending machine, so I'm not a total meanie.)

Looking to the future?  (love those cheesy smiles)

1 comment:

  1. Our almost 5 year old wants to be a police officer, nurse and dolphin trainer. While at the grocery store the other day our 10 year mentioned that he would like to work at the meat counter when he grows up.
    I understand what you mean by stepping back and letting the bigger kids make mistakes. We have a 14 yo who forgets things, too!
