Monday, January 25, 2010

Helping Annie Advocate

 I asked Annie from  Cornbread and Chopsticks if I could copy her post from today...she said "go ahead"
The reason her post is special to me...our son is from CWA's Hope project and I wish I could just bring these two little ones along home, but I doubt we would get another waiver.  So please spread the word maybe someone will help out at the last minute here.
It doesn't take much to apply for the passwords for their site and you can see the video clips posted with their pictures.

The first 2 precious ones who have been on my blog before, are both on Christian World Adoption's list and are incredibly cute. In their videos (yes they have videos - how great is that), they are not outgoing or talkative. They would not be ones to draw attention to themselves, but they are both adorable and shy and you just want to wrap your arms around both of them and protect them forever!! On this list, the children are not given names, onlym: numbers and I have said before that I would so love to see those numbers replaced with names! I know that their time on this list is done as CWA just got another very large list of waiting kids and Carol has informed me that their files will be sent back THIS month. Please go to their website here and ask for their password. The first one on their list is a completely adorable little boy who is just 5 years old. He had a famliy for a while who have decided not to move forward and that just breaks my heart because as they waited and he was "on hold," no one else was reviewing his file and now he may have run out of time! I have seen his file and there is nothing in it that would give me pause. This is what was written about him.

c0907-36 (his number)
Male. Deformed palms (both hands).
DOB: 09-95-2004

He was sent to the children welfare center on Oct 14, 2004. He is living with foster family and also attends the kindergarten nearby. With the help of teachers and foster parents he can remember simple children poetry now such as “little duck“. He moves quickly and there is no problem in walking and running. He eats by himself and he can wash his face and brush his teeth by himself. He can dress or undress himself and also put on or off his shoes. He is a very lovely boy but he doesn’t like to talk a lot. Most of the time he is quiet and prefers to show himself by actions.

The beautiful little girl on their list is 8 years old and in her pics and video, she has lost both of her front teeth!! Too cute!!! This is what is written about her:

c0907-25 (her number)
Female. Type B Mediterranean anemia.
DOB: 9-5-2001

She was sent to the children welfare center on Sept 29, 2001, now she is living with foster family. She is a student of first grade. She is a little slow in learning but she is a hard working girl. She is serious about learning. She can manage her daily life and also tries to help sometimes such as washing clothes, sweeping the floor, cleaning dishes. She is a cheerful girl and loves to laugh. She likes to do rope skipping with other kids; she likes to play with dolls and other kids’ games. She is a polite girl and is polite with others. She loves to help other kids. She respects teachers in school. All teachers, foster parents and other students love her very much.

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