Thursday, January 28, 2010

Think I'll Get Finished?

A long time ago when I didn't have a whole lot to do...just go to work everyday, come home cook supper and clean a know the "time before kids". I picked up a new hobby every chance I got and I loved counted-cross stitch, so when baby #1 was coming I picked out the prettiest baby sampler I could find and was ready to put in the name and other statistics when he was #2 - pretty much the same story. I was finished with sampler about the time he was born.
When baby #3 was on HIS way I picked out a very pretty sampler and somehow it took longer to get that one finished. I thought maybe it would be a nice goal to have the sampler finished by the time he was potty-trained.....

Here are the 3 first samplers #3 is the one on the left.

Then along came my first girl - also our first adoption....I searched all over for a baby sampler suitable for this special occasion. I settled on this one. It was finished by the time she was in first grade. (We are definitely slowing down here, what IS the deal?)  Yes the Chinese Characters are her original name.

THEN along comes girl #2 and I found a special sampler- I should be able to fit her name and statistics in there somewhere....she isn't in first grade....yet, but I wonder if I should have picked another way to commemorate our children's arrival in our family?

Now I need to find a special one for Liang, I saw a really nice one on a web site yesterday, Chinese Sampler w/ cranes, fans, bamboo on black.....but good grief the poor boy will be graduating before I get his sampler hung on the wall....maybe if I get off the computer and do more stitiching I would be finished by now???
Off to do more "necessary" making the family book for my husband's will only be 150 pages....why DO I open my mouth?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, friend...what beautiful samplers!! As I am typing this comment Macy is working on a cross stitch project. I showed her the picture of the one for your first daughter and she was in AWE! It was sweet. Thanks for the link to the Chinese sampler! I will check it out for sure!!
