Monday, July 5, 2010

Prayers for Tuesday, please.

This little one is going to a nearby outpatient surgery center for
hernia repair tomorrow.

Yes I know it is a routine, minor, outpatient procedure, BUT

when it is my daughter it doesn't feel that way.

She needs to be at the hospital (an hour away) by 9:20AM

She may not have anything to eat or drink after 6:20AM...I don't think
I'm going to wake her before that time in order to give her apple juice!

I just pray tomorrow is one of those mornings that she sleeps in and
doesn't think about eating until they give her the "happy juice"

When she had her tonsils and adenoids removed she didn't understand much
of what was going on, this time there are more questions. She thought
she could just keep her hernia....

I'll leave it in God's hands and I'm going to bed.