Monday, February 27, 2012

Happy Birthday

Well, if we were in Ch*na it would be his birthday. We decided to celebrate a day early because tomorrow evening I have a teaching job and well...he was OK with an early celebration.
We started with a class birthday party at school.Another mom and I made lots of General Tsao's chicken, potstickers, stir fried veggies, and of course rice....cupcakes WITH icing (story behind that) and gummy penguins on top.
So first off the party...yeah, we did challenge them to eat with chopsticks and they were troopers for the most part

then the excitement continued to big brother and SIL home for supper and more food (I had saved some)...he finished eating early and was bored so he started clearing the table

Excuse the messy window....

First gift....some "wait" for the boy who couldn't wait for his gifts

                                          note the giver's face, she did make him a book mark.

then the prized helicopter he'd been coveting

and the life book I'd worked over in secret...we managed to find pictures of foster brother if not the actual brother.
For those of you concerned about his 'running away'. We have gone for more than 2 weeks and not a mention. I got the neatest "paint program" picture celebrating mom and dad, brothers and sisters and a Christian family.
So, hang on for the ride!

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