Thursday, April 25, 2013

When Your Foot Breaks

No, not mine. And no, not one made of bone.  It is made of carbon fiber and it didn't hurt when it broke, just made cracking sounds with each step.

Last evening Joseph told me that his left foot seems he's told me this differnt times over the 2-1/2 years I know him. Sometimes his foot actually falls off and other times he just needs to tie his shoe better.  So this time I ask for his leg without the shoe and did some wiggling.

Definitely something was a bit loose.

Sent some e-mails and left a phone message all the while thinking...if he needs a new foot

how long will it take

they don't keep these things in stock

he can't use crutches  ( when you can't hop on one foot and you only have  a left hand to hold the crutch...I think they would be a liability not a help)

Well maybe it's not so bad after all

Sent him to school in the AM with a note "no running until further notice"

This AM got a phone call "when can you come in?"  "now?" (as in 2-3 hours from now)

Changed my plans

Got gas, picked up the boy and the leg and off we went to Philadelphia.
Before I left I messaged my prayer partner and asked her to help me pray for this trip.
Dad had left his phone home in the charger, so I couldn't even tell him.

Enroute to school, I checked the Phila. traffic report
Oh yuck!  worse than usual

Then when I got on at the turnpike interchange  my EZ Pass  light said "Low Bal"  I really didn't know what that meant, but  I went on through....
Then I remembered that a couple months ago we had to get new credit cards cause some bozo tried to use them in MN...and we never gave the turnpike the new numbers!

So I stopped at one of the rest stops and called in so ...well I didn't know what happens when your account doesn't have enough money in it. I don't need any fines.  Got that straightened out

Finally arrived at Shriners only 45 min later than my estimate.  Our wonderful prosthesist got her team right on it...
they checked the foot and yeah, it was as bad as I thought...worse he cannot wear the foot until they get in a new one.  We could overnight one and you would get it Sat or Mon, but then hubby needs to figure out how to put the new foot on and make sure it is right...this ain't no $5 piece of metal.
Then one of the team came out with a smile. We found a used foot in the back...same socket, only one size larger... will it fit in his shoe? 

It did, it worked  and the shoe fits!  It is a wonderful answer to prayer.

He has a good foot to use till the new foot comes in.

We made it home in time for him to get his last hour of school.

Hard question of the day:  Do you think my birth mother cried when she had to leave?


  1. Great news about the spare foot.
    As for your question...Did it happen in the car? My kids always seem to have these deep conversations when I need to concentrate on driving.

    1. No, Nancy, this question came in the kitchen, but yes you are right. They usually come when the traffic is heavy too.
