Thursday, October 21, 2010

More Firsts

Today we found a nice hefty package in the mail. The Chinese English
Bible we had ordered. Youngest Brother had been complaining that
everyone else has a Bible, but he does not. We quite honestly did not
know which version to order...anyway after some research we ordered a
NIV English and Chinese New Union (I think that is the proper term) on
Sat night.
He was very delighted when he opened the package...I did have some
misgivings on the way in the drive...what if he is disappointed that it
is only a "book". He was delighted that his is the biggest Bible in the
house...I didn't have the heart to show him Big Brother's or the Family
Bible....we'll let that go.

After lunch he got busy catching up his Sunday School lessons...and
wouldn't you know the story of Joseph is scheduled for Nov 7 so I had
him read ahead...that is what he is reading in the picture. He likes
this translation better "Joseph is a fruitful vine..."

Also tonite was haircutting night...I left him watch the others....he
wanted me to cut an X in his hair...I told him it is a Z...then he
wanted a J. Humph! there are no letters in his hair!
The only picture that turned out half-decent is this one. The others
look as if he is crying...he is actually laughing
hysterically/nervously. He is very ticklish. He told me "in China rrrr"
and made quick cutting motions.

Lest it sounds as if everything is going along very smoothly....we have
our times....
He does not like a challenge...math is fine if it is
easy enough to get all of them right.

He tests to see if I really mean "get in the van, we
are going" He moves faster now. I went out to the van and had it running
before he managed to get out the door.

Yanking the cart rudely when mom doesn't buy
something he wants...I have been ignoring that one for now.

The competition between him and little sister is
tiresome....she tattles and is bratty (my words) and he is irritated
that someone half his age is learning the same things as he....they are
about at the same level in reading right now....well he can sound out
simple words, but she knows what they mean.

The thing I thought I was prepared for....slurping any getting on my nerves...petty I know, but I am too human.


  1. I love how human you are!!! Yes, Gio was frustrated when Bryson who is the same age but so much smaller knew things that Gio knew in Chinese but not in English.

    Yours is the slurping. Mine is the peeing all over the seat and floor, literally more is on the outside than on the inside!!!

  2. Chris,
    I love the pictures of your life! It is so exciting to see your children reading God's Word, and learning about who He really is! His sovereignty is overwhelming to me. Thank you for sharing :)
    Terrye in FL
