Sunday, June 26, 2011

Many Hard Questions

Tonite I was reading my blogs with one of my nosy curious children looking over my shoulder. I was reading this
"Why you look at this kid?"
Me: "I'm just reading about this kid from _____"
Nosy child:  "You going to adopt boy from _____"
Me: " No he has a family....see it is a neat story."
Nosy child: " Does God have to tell you to adopt again?"
Me: "No, God has to tell daddy."
Daddy: " Is adoption a good thing? Would it be good for us to adopt another ...maybe girl?"
Nosy child: "Yeah it would be good, I have good family"
Me: "But that would make us busy and not as much time for each of you."
Nosy Child:" That's OK."

Daddy: "Well we at least need to wait until your surgeries are over."
Nosy child: " Oh OK"

Actually that was one of the easiest questions that we had this evening...others involved first parent questions from the 9 and 11 y.o. and a total pitched fit from the 6 y.o. after I dared to hold Joe on my lap for just a minute.  Her fit was allegedly about a gummy vitamin....but really now!

 She did tell me that she wouldn't cry if we got a baby....Ha!

 Here are the children that keep me looking so young, my 15 y.o.'s co workers asked if I was his sister!! I advised her to get her eyes checked.

Check out the fancy foot work...I wasn't fast enough to get the "leg over the ball maneuver"


  1. You young thang, you! :)

    Love the conversation with "curious" child and husband...interesting!! :)

  2. I guess I'll stay tuned for the sequel?


  3. Sounds like an adoption door is propped open at least!!! I have a few nosy kids surrounding me as I type right now too trying to read what I am writing!

    Joe looks great!!!
