We were privileged to visit the Creation Museum (free tickets too).
Stayed at a wonderful motel nearby (continental breakfast and supper).Large suite for all of us $139 a night.
Was a good opportunity to firm up our Creation story and see how science
does support Creation.
A bit of church history...Hope had been studying this just a few weeks ago.
Faith was finally brave enough to stand beside one of the dinos.
Sorry for the cheesy grin...it was a long day.
We headed west a bit to visit friends in Ind. and then headed for home...boredom overtook them and suddenly it was very quiet in the back.
We were just down in that area about 1.5 wks ago! We stayed in Covington, KY and learned the area a bit and had fun in Cincy. Next time we come down we hope to check out the Creation Museum! Glad you had a blessed time down there!