Sunday, March 25, 2012

Pro- What?

This topic has been rolling around in my mind for quite awhile.
I don't normally get too wrapped up in politics and elections....decided to let it up to God and we do the praying.
BUT, there is a topic that has pushed its way into my mind and it has to do with pro-choice and pro-life...of course we/I am pro-Life and I don't think abortions should be a one sided "choice".

BUT if abortions were stopped today....would that suddenly make those women "loving mothers" and the babies "wanted children"?

Would a change in the laws take care of the problem?

Would the social welfare system be ready to handle  1.3 million children (number of abortions per year in the US- 43 million worldwide) whose mothers say "We aren't being selfish, but":
The decision to have an abortion is rarely simple. Most women base their decision on several factors, the most common being lack of money and/or unreadiness to start or expand their families due to existing responsibilities. Many feel that the most responsible course of action is to wait until their situation is more suited to childrearing; 66% plan to have children when they are older, financially able to provide necessities for them, and/or in a supportive relationship with a partner so their children will have two parents.8 Others wanted to get pregnant but developed serious medical problems, learned that the fetus had severe abnormalities, or experienced some other personal crisis. About 13,000 women each year have abortions because they have become pregnant as a result of rape or incest.1

 Studies show that 89% of pregnancies predicted to be children with Down's syndrome  are aborted, I haven't been able to calculate how many children that is per year. If a sonogram shows a major birth defect to be present with a child...very often a physician gives the option of a abortion. If abortions are outlawed...

OK my point here---Who should be standing in the gap? 
Who should be getting their home studies ready?
Who should be ready and willing to take ANY CHILD that happens to be born to a mother that would have made the difficult decision to have an abortion?


Are you willing?  What if God would miraculously move the hearts of the lawmakers and they would ban all abortions?

Be careful how you vote....God might give you a new job!!



  1. The church should be doing more right now.

  2. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. We, The Church, MUST be ready! Would you please read my latest blog post? It has some links that will take you to another blog. I believe you will be touched. ~ Jo
