Should you be worried when one child comes home with a certificate honoring him as "Mathamagician" because as his advanced math teacher said, "He manages to figure out the correct answer, but I can't understand from his work HOW he did it."
and the 2nd certificate labeled "Master Physicist" because as that teacher said, "He writes his notes in strange hieroglyphics but his answers are right."
Then older brother asks, "So are you still working on that alphabet?"
Son #3 says, "Yeah, now I'm working on the grammar."
Son #2, "When do you get time to do this?"
Son #3, "During class."
Son #2, "Yeah, Mr Physics teacher used to keep an encyclopedia behind his chair, to read when he got bored."
Son #3, "Well I'm writing one."
During another conversation Zeke was asking Hope what she remembered of geometry and she grabbed a piece of paper and wrote E= MC2.
Zeke took a step back and said, "What is THAT?"
Hope, "The cotton gin......Henry Ford invented it....for ...something."
Must be what happens to all the left-over pieces of information that she stored in her head and didn't use in those final tests. She opens her mouth and it falls out.
In other news,
And Shekinah took the preschool test and passed! She finally needs uniforms! Thing is, she had her teacher in a fit of giggles in the short hour she tested her....oh my!
In order to be organized this summer I printed out a schedule ....weekly and daily...have two "willing volunteers" that will be cooking supper one night each. A long list of boredom busters for those days when the one hour of screen time and the one hour of reading time are not long enough. Yes, I did limit their reading time because we are fast running out of books...especially if you read a 400 page book in one afternoon!
Joseph graduated from 8th grade and in his words " I can't wait till next year! I will get something done in study hall and finally learn something!"
(wonder what he was doing this year?)
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