Monday, August 23, 2010

Our Sabbath

Yesterday morning when Big brother #2 was getting dressed for church
he said "Hey mom, look at this."
He showed me his leg....
Yep the target rash that you hear about with Lyme's Disease. We e-mailed
a picture to the doctor on call and she called in a script to Wa*mart.
Assured us that the rash is a very early sign and antibiotics should
take care of it.... I pray she is right
We had a wonderful sermon on "Believing God's Truths" about really
honestly believing what God says is true even when "circumstances and
feelings" make us look around at the "waves" and we want to ask "Master
do you care that we perish?" Mark 4 was the scripture that the
minister used for an illustration.
I have this feeling we will need to keep being reminded of this in the
coming weeks and months...

Then as I was making lunch....we had fireworks....suddenly a loud
electrical buzzing and fire shot out from under my cooking
is not that bad! We turned off the burner and the burner indicator
light stayed on. We looked at the underside of the burner after it
cooled....this is what we saw. The burner blew a hole...Rats! I was
hoping this stove would go on another 24 years. Replacing a burner and
the switch would probably cost 1/4 the price of a new stove....for now I
will work on 3 burners.

After lunch we drove to Philly to meet some special friends. We were
paper pregnant together and became parents together in a room in
Yang*hun, C*ina. It is so neat to get the girls together and watch them
grow. One of the four families has moved so we don't get to see them
very often, but the bond between us is special. Then one of the mom's
came carrying a big blue bag....full of boy stuff!! They had a shower
for us (sniff) thanks guys....older adoptions don't quite get the same
notice as baby additions.


What an up and down day! Oh yeah, remember the sermon..."feelings do not equate facts"
So I will remember the good stuff and be thankful...we saw the rash (they fade quickly)...and there are 3 working burners on the stove. And of course, good friends.

As I'm typing this the dog got sprayed by a I need to use
all my tomato juice for a doggy bath tonite??!! I think she will sleep
on the porch for now...this lady needs her bed.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a day. That is a sermon I need to hear all the time. One time I needed a new dryer and someone had one just sitting in their garage and gave it to us. I don't have a range, but I will keep a prayer out for one.
