Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Made applesauce....4 baskets with help from the "under aged kids in
this house"

Went to three banks to collect those nice crisp Benjamin Franklins

Went for my ma**ogram (schedule yours)

Collected 3 prescriptions for Ci*ro


  1. I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You

  2. i need a machine like that. you wouldn't believe how i make applesauce! let me know if you need any help before you leave! we'd love to have Faith over to play next week

  3. Oh wow, your applesauce looks amazing!! And what a cute little helper!

    Got my *mam* a couple months ago. I'm good to go! :)

  4. May I ask where you got your applesauce maker? Would love to make applesauce for my family.

    Congratulations on your new family member. We were just there a few months ago...but we ended up adopting two! Fun times! Blessings! Tammy
