Monday, November 12, 2012

So How Do You Talk to Her?

Who? Me? How do they talk to Me?  I just tell them what to do and they do it!

       Look at them!  They all wait on me hand and foot!

 There are some questions we get (actually my mom and my children get most of them) Some of them are decidedly immature, so I won't get into that, but...

One of them is "so does she know English? Well then how do you communicate?"
Well she speaks "2 year old" and I speak very little Chinese
I can say hello
               sleep good
               very good
              just a minute
               most of the colors, but I might get green and blue mixed up quite often
You get the idea, I speak 2 year old Chinese
She can tell me off in Chinese. How do I know that? Just take a look at those eyes and mouth and you will know that you have been soundly scolded.
She will tell me that a spaghetti noodle is escaping the dish
The other day we were on 222 and I was telling her "car" (in Chinese)  "big car" ( tractor trailers)  and she was merrily repeating me. Suddenly the traffic in front of us slowed and there were at least 3 tractor trailers in front of us. I said (in English) " I don't know what these big trucks think they are doing."
She answered something in Chinese. Joseph started laughing. He translated "Why are those big trucks are in our way?!"              

Here she and Faith are busy writing.

 Here is the 'not so fun' part of adopting a 2 year old...the grieving...It is hard to watch and hard on the ears and heart...sometimes you just lay her down and try to do something else. Sometimes you post on FB and people pray for you because they are BTDT.

Then the sunny little girl comes back again...wearing mama's nylons and heels. She managed the nylons on her own and was very pleased with herself.


  1. She is absolutely adorable!!!! BTW, you crack me up!

  2. i believe you have a live wire there! now when can we come and meet her??

  3. Oh the process...:)
    God Bless your family as you love on your newest little one. :)
